Day 1 - Thursday May 08, 2014 

 08:30 -10:00 AM - Registration, Welcome Coffee

08 May, 2014

10:00 - 12:30

Presentedy by: Dr. Stephan SteglichLouay Bassbouss, Fraunhofer FOKUS


Multi-Screen applications are entering the market with force. TV sets and – so-called – companion devices (smartphones and tablets) have outgrown their original purpose and are now playing together an important role in multi-screen context.

Almost every modern connected TV can be controlled with a smartphone app provided by the manufacturer. These apps range from simple remote control replacements, to fully featured media centers including PVR programming, interactive EPGs and video streaming from the TV to the smartphone. Also new generation of companion devices provide connectivity to large displays and give mobile applications the ability to mirror or extend the small screen of the mobile device.

Today’s standard application models are however focused on single devices and screens. Multi-Screen applications face new challenges such as discovery of devices and services, launch of applications on remote devices, synchronization of application state across devices as well as timeline synchronization of multiple media streams, application to application communication, etc. New application development paradigms, concepts, protocols and technologies addressing these challenges are getting mature and will be presented in this tutorial.

In this tutorial we will introduce the concepts of Multi-Screen with a survey on application scenarios and brief the participants about technical implications and requirements that each use case implies. Furthermore, we will explain the underlying technical and design challenges for building multi-screen applications. We will also discuss existing technologies and standards that offer solutions for specific challenges we identified.

Challenges for Multi-Screen Applications

Multi-screen applications face challenges that go beyond traditional applications and require developers to think about additional challenges. In this part of the tutorial we will examine different aspects of Multi-Screen applications from a more technical perspective and cover several relevant topics ranging from distribution of apps across devices, discovery and synchronization to performance, security and alignment of user preferences issues. Participant will also learn how to design multi-screen applications and what are the challenges and best practices from UX perspective.

Multi-Screen Technologies & Standards

We will continue the tutorial by presenting latest technical solutions and protocols in the industry such as UPnP and Bonjour for device and service discovery in local networks, DLNA, Miracast and Airplay for media and screen sharing (mirroring and extension), DIAL for remote application launch, iBeacon for wake-up and local notification, WebSockets and WebRTC for communication between applications and many others. We will also discuss in this part of the tutorial relevant standardization activities in different bodies and organizations such as HbbTV, Hybridcast, W3C (NSD and Webscreens) as well as existing and up-coming multi-screen frameworks such as Samsung MultiScreen SDK, LG PARS Framework, IRT Second Screen Framework, Fraunhofer FOKUS FAMIUM Framework, etc. Participants will learn what solutions these technologies bring and which gaps still remain with respect to Multi-screen application development.

08 May, 2014 

10:00 - 12:30 

Presented by: Dr. Stefan ArbanowskiStefan KaiserStefan Pham, Fraunhofer FOKUS

Despite the growing importance of mobile connectivity, television is still the most important source for information and entertainment in people’s households. To meet customers’ demands for a converged broadcast and Web experience, many devices today are already equipped with Internet access and various technologies to access applications and services or allow companion device scenarios (e.g. using tablets and smartphones). This tutorial overviews the emerging Hybrid TV market, technologies used, current standardization activities and future trends. Furthermore, methodologies and requirements to introduce or expand existing services on TVs are laid out.

IPTV & Hybrid TV Landscape

Hybrid TV or Connected TV have become commonly used terms for TV sets capable of Internet-based applications. This tutorial deals with currently deployed proprietary as well as standardized platforms (e.g. HbbTV) and relationships between these solutions are illustrated. In addition a categorization of commercial off-the-shelf devices and their supported services is given for participants of this tutorial.

Enabling Technologies

What are common enablers for IPTV, Hybrid TV or WebTV services and how can they be integrated? This question is answered by diving into topics such as HTTP Adaptive Streaming (especially MPEG DASH), Common Encryption (CENC), Digital Rights Management (DRM) and Content Delivery Networks (CDN). A special emphasis is given to HTML5 based video delivery and according W3C work Media Source Extension (MSE) and Encrypted Media Extension (EME). Issues and limitations for new interactive services are debated and best-practices for these challenges are given. Advances features such as ad insertion (media splicing) and synchronized media play-out will be addressed as well.


State of the art TV applications and services are explored in this part of the tutorial. Where and how can new services be published and what are potential “killer applications” in the future? This discussion will focus on the needs of content providers with existing services or plans to introduce services in this emerging Hybrid TV market. Furthermore opportunities for converged Web and TV services are discussed as well as technical challenges explained.

Demonstration and hands on

Based on FAMIUM – an end-to-end streaming prototype implementation meant for early technology evaluation and interoperability testing – we will demonstrate a complete media workflow starting with video preparation, transcoding segmentation, and encryption to finally deliver the video via HTTP streaming to HTML5/MSE/EME based browser implementations.




No prerequisites

Intended Audience

The tutorial is aimed at anyone interested in the convergence of broadcast and broadband, business opportunities, technical challenges and current research activities regarding IPTV, Hybrid TV and WebTV.

12:30 - 13:30 - Lunch, NETWORKING, DEMOS & EXHIBITION

Workshop 1 - 13:30 - 18:00

Smart- TV - what is next?

Auditorium 1:

Chair: Stefan Arbanowski, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany

13:30 - 14:50

  • HbbTV 2.0 is all about...
    Giuseppe Pascale - Opera, Product Manager Connected TV Content and Advertising
  • The Virtual Set-Top-Box: Paradigm Shift in TV Service & UI Generation
    Oliver Friedrich - Deutsche Telekom, Senior Expert New Media
  • ZDFmediathek: The Olympic Challenge
    Jochen Schmidt - ZDF, Senior Engineer
  • Home networking for flexible use of resources in Sat distribution systems
    Michael Heisenberg - Kathrein-Werke KG, Senior Manager New Technologies

14:50 - 15:20 Coffee Break, Demos & Exhibition

15:20 - 16:40

  • Television Experience beyond Smart TV
    Rudolf Eyberg - Panasonic AVC Development Centre, Director
  • Personalization that makes a difference
    Adolf Proidl - XroadMedia, CEO
  • Futura of TV Ads - non-linear advertizement on all devices
    Ned Wiley - Consultant
  • Real estate market goes TV
    Christian Henk - ImmobilienScout24 GmbH, Vice President Productmanagement Real Estate Industry

16:40 - 17:10 Coffee Break, Demos & Exhibition

17:10 - 18:00

  • Insert your ad here - Challenges and technologies for ad insertion in the multimedia age
    Alexander Adolf - Condition-ALPHA Digital Broadcast Technology Consulting, Technology Consultant
  • Do's and dont's - what makes a TV App a good app
    Rachel Mischke - TeraVolt GmbH, Senior Product Manager
  • DO IT YOURSELF - Develop SmartTV/HbbTV apps without programming skills
    Dennis Beste - GmbH, CEO
Workshop 2 - 13:30 - 18:00

Multi-Screens Challengers and Best Practices

Auditorium 2: 

Chair: Stephan Steglich, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany

13:30 - 14:50

  • Multi-Screen on any Network(s)
    Jean-Claude Dufourd - Télécom ParisTech, Directeur d'études
  • Social networks of people, devices and programmes as a basis for multiscreen experiences
    Dave Raggett - W3C, W3C Fellow
  • Web-based multi screen experience vs. security & privacy needs: Dilemma and means to escape it
    Martin Kurze - Deutsche Telekom Innovation Labs, Director Research & Innovation
  • Mobile First - The Changing Game of Online User Experience in a Multi Device World
    Dirk Bartels - idealo, Head of Product Management

14:50 - 15:20 Coffee Break, Demos & Exhibition

15:20 - 16:40

  • Second Screen Framework
    Stefan Schneiders - Institut für Rundfunktechnik (IRT), Manager Sales and Marketing
  • Multi-Screen for the Web - Update on Presentation API
    Dominik Röttsches - Intel’s Open Source Technology Center, Senior Software Engineer
  • PARS: A Multiscreen Web Application Platform
    Dong-Young Lee - LG Electronics Inc., Senior Research Engineer

16:40 - 17:10 Coffee Break, Demos & Exhibition

17:10 - 18:00

  • Cooperating multi-devices for the customized content usage
    Kiyoshi Tanaka - NTT, Supervisor at Service Harmonization Project
  • Non-proprietary multi screen applications: Seamlessly integrating phones and TVs using open technologies
    Nick Allott - NquiringMinds, CEO
  • Leveraging the Web as the Multichannel Platform
    Hermann Lichte - net mobile AG, Director Innovation Management

19:00, MAY 08 2014 - Social Event @ Hommans's Location 

Day 2 - Friday May 09, 2014

08:30-09:30 - Registration, Welcome Coffee 

9:30 - 9:45 - session 1 

Welcome and Opening "Future Media Web"

Opening Conference Chairs: Stefan Arbanowski and Stephan Steglich, Fraunhofer FOKUS 

9:45 - 10:45 session 2 

Smarter TV - where we are, where do we go from here?

Presentations will be given by:

  • The Media Big Bang & why the future TV should NOT be Smart
    Gil Rosen - Deutsche Telekom AG, Vice President New Media Telekom Innovation Labs
  • Easy creation and distribution of Interactive TV Advertisements and Content
    Giuseppe Pascale - Opera Software, Product Manager 'Connected TV Content and Advertising'
  • webOS: A Web-based Smart TV Platform
    Dong-Young Lee - LG Electronics Inc., Senior Research Engineer
  • Multi Device TV Experience from 6" to 60"
    Tilman Buchner - Seven Ventures / ProSiebenSat.1 AG, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer (CTIO)

  10:45 - 11:15 - Coffee Break, Networking, Demos & Exhibition

11:15 - 12:15 - Session 3

Standards Update & Panel

Current status and future work of relevant standardisation bodies: HbbTV, W3C, DASH IF, DVB, 3GPP, MPEG

Presentations will be given by representatives:

  • Introduction to HbbTV
    Klaus Illgner-Fehns - Institut für Rundfunktechnik (IRT), Managing Director
  • W3C Standards Update
    Philipp Hoschka - W3C, Deputy Director
  • DASH Standards Updates
    Thomas Stockhammer - Qualcomm, Consultant for Technical Standards

12:15 - 13:30 - Lunch, Networking, Demos & Exhibition

13:30 - 14:15 Session 4

Internet Delivered Media: How trends, technology and standards are shaping the future of entertainment

Keynote-Speaker: Chris Santini - Microsoft, Director of Strategy and Business Planning

14:15 - 15:15 Session 5

Streaming Media - Delivery and Protection

Presentations will be given by:

  • The Evolving Security Landscape: Preparing for the UHD Revolution
    Geir Bjorndal - Verimatrix, VP International Strategy, Middle East and Africa Sales
  • Delivery Optimizations for DASH-based Mobile Video Streaming
    Thomas Stockhammer- Qualcomm, Consultant for Technical Standards
  • OTT Video Delivery
    Julian Hens - Zattoo, Director Business Development / B2B TV Solutions

    15:15 - 15:45 - Coffee Break, Networking, Demos & Exhibition

15:45 - 16:45 Session 6

Searching, Finding, Recommending Content

Presentations will be given by:

  • Multiscreen Content
    Kazuhiko Kushima - Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), Senior Vice President of Service Innovation Laboratory Group
  • Solving the Video Burden of Choice: Personalisation based on Existing Data
    Marcel Duee - Tweek, CEO & Co-Founder
  • multithek: a HbbTV based interactive content portal
    Steffen Brauer - MEDIA BROADCAST, Expert Sales Manager
  • Perfecting the Personalization of Digital Entertainment
    Leander Carell - Rovi Corp., Managing Director
16:45 - 17:45 Session 7

Monetizing Digital Media

Presentations will be given by:

  • It's like TV? Multiscreen Video Advertising - its impact and challenges on shifiting TV-budgets into digital
    Oliver Vesper - smartclip, Managing Director
  • Media eCommerce Solutions (challenges, business opportunities, etc.)
    Harald Behnke - Oracle, Industry Director Media & Entertainment
  • How to survive in media buisness today? The OPEN Tolino approach!
    Markus Willner - T-Systems, Senior Project Manager
  • Lessons Learned from Tumblr
    Antonio Pavolini - Telecom Italia, Business Analyst for Digital Media

17:45 - Farewell and demos

18:00 end of conference