Kiyoshi Tanaka
NTT, Supervisor at Service Harmonization Project, Japan
Dr. Tanaka is a senior research engineer, supervisor at Service Harmonization project in NTT Service Evolution Laboratories. Since 1994, when he joined NTT, he has been engaged in research on Video on Demand systems and metadata-related interactive video systems and services, which mean now IPTV system and its services. His current activities include standardization of IPTV, digital signage and multimedia broadcasting for mobile devices.
He joined and completed standardization of ARIB STD-B38 (v2.2), STD-B45 (v2.0) and TR-B33 as an editor for Japanese broadcating services, and he has also contributed ITU-T international standardization mainly in IPTV-GSI. He is a member of W3C Web and TV IG, the IEICE and the Human Interface. Society in Japan. He received his B.E., M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in communication engineering from Osaka University, Japan in 1992, 1994 and 2005, respectively.