Contact Person
Jürgen Großmann
Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Großmann
Head of Critical Systems Engineering
Business Unit SQC
+49 30 3463-7390

Jürgen Großmann is Senior Scientist and Head of Critical Systems Engineering at the Business Unit SQC


Jürgen Großmann is an expert in agile software development, automated testing, and securing complex systems and infrastructures. As a "Quality Engineering" (SQC) business unit member, he is responsible for developmental and test projects of networked and embedded software systems in critical application areas. In recent years, his particular focus has been on securing learning systems. Additionally, he works as an IT security expert in critical applications in the automotive industry and financial sectors. With his expertise, he is or was involved in numerous standardization activities in committees of OMG, ETSI, ASAM, and AUTOSAR.

Jürgen Großmann received his degree as a computer scientist at the University of Applied Science in Berlin his PhD at the Technical University of Berlin. Before he has joined the Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS, he was a researcher at the DaimlerChrysler AG (Department of Research and Technology – Software, Methods and Tools) and worked as a software developer and testing expert at the VW subsidiary Carmeq in Berlin. From 2002-2004 Jürgen Großmann has been involved in many national and international research projects and contributes to national and international conferences contributions. His research interests include the development of methods, tools and tool infrastructure for model-based development, model-based testing, and security engineering and testing.


  • Assurance and testing of AI-based systems
  • Agile software development and DevOps
  • Test automation and model-based testing 
  • Test methods for embedded systems
  • Security Engeneering & Security Testing
  • Risk management and analysis


Current Projects:

  • IML4E – Industrial Grade Machine Learning for Enterprises
  • Smart Delta – Automated Quality Assurance and Optimization in Incremental Industrial Software Systems Development
  • KI-LOK – Assurance for AI-based Train Systems

Previous Projects:

  • EU-SEC – The European Security Certification Framework
  • PREVENT – Preventive crisis and risk management for banking data centers
  • RASEN – Compositional Risk Assessment and Security Testing of Networked Systems
  • AUTOSAR Secure Onboard Communication
  • DIAMONDS – Development and Industrial Application of Multi-Domain Security Testing Technologies
  • TEMEA – Testing Specification Technologies and Methodology for Embedded Real Time Systems in the Automobile
  • simTD – Safe and Intelligent Mobility, Test Field Germany
  • DRIVE C2X – Connecting vehicles for safe and comfortable and green driving on European roads
  • ModelPlex – MODELling solution for comPLEX software systems

Related Links:


Publication Type
2024 Properties that allow or prohibit transferability of adversarial attacks among quantized networks
Shrestha, Abhishek; Großmann, Jürgen
Conference Paper
2023 Towards a Risk‑Based Continuous Auditing‑Based Certification for Machine Learning
Knoblauch, Dorian; Großmann, Jürgen
Journal Article
2023 KI-LOK - Ein Verbundprojekt über Prüfverfahren für KI-basierte Komponenten im Eisenbahnbetrieb
Hemzal, Georg; Strobel, Timo; Leuschel, Michael; Großmann, Jürgen; Knoblauch, Dorian; Kucheiko, Mariia; Grube, Nicolas; Krajewski, Roman
Journal Article
2023 Test and training data generation for object recognition in the railway domain
Großmann, Jürgen; Grube, Nicolas; Kharma, Sami; Knoblauch, Dorian; Krajewski, Roman; Kucheiko, Mariia; Wiesbrock, Hans-Werner
Conference Paper
2022 Towards Continuous Audit-based Certification for MLOps
Knoblauch, Dorian; Großmann, Jürgen
Conference Paper
2022 Deutsche Normungsroadmap Künstliche Intelligenz
Adler, Rasmus; Bunte, Andreas; Burton, Simon; Großmann, Jürgen; Jaschke, Alexander; Kleen, Philip; Lorenz, Jeanette Miriam; Ma, Jackie; Markert, Karla; Meeß, Henri; Meyer, Olga; Neuhüttler, Jens; Philipp, Patrick; Poretschkin, Maximilian; Rennoch, Axel; Roscher, Karsten; Sperl, Philip; Usländer, Thomas; Weicken, Eva; Wrobel, Stefan; Zidowitz, Stephan; Ziehn, Jens; Kläs, Michael; Cheng, Chih-Hong; Heinrich, Jana; Knoblauch, Dorian; Heidrich, Jens; Görge, Rebekka; Kolomiichuk, Sergii; Lämmel, Philipp; Plinge, Axel; Rauh, Lukas; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev
2020 Wie können KI-Komponenten mit Modellen abgesichert werden?
Schlingloff, Holger; Großmann, Jürgen
Journal Article
2020 A taxonomy to assess and tailor risk-based testing in recent testing standards
Großmann, Jürgen; Felderer, Michael; Viehmann, Johannes; Schieferdecker, Ina
Journal Article
2019 Basiswissen Sicherheitstests
Simon, Frank; Großmann, Jürgen; Graf, Christian Alexander; Mottok, Jürgen; Schneider, Martin A.
2019 How to safeguard AI
Schieferdecker, Ina; Großmann, Jürgen; Schneider, Martin A.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2019 Neue Wege in der IT-Sicherheitszertifizierung von Cloud-Infrastrukturen
Großmann, Jürgen; Knoblauch, Dorian
Internet Contribution
2018 Providing trust through efficient cloud security certification
Großmann, Jürgen
2018 Recent advances in classifying risk-based testing approaches
Felderer, Michael; Großmann, Jürgen; Schieferdecker, Ina
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2018 Know your risk. Systematic security testing for automotive systems
Großmann, Jürgen
2017 Modellbasiertes Security-Testen
Großmann, Jürgen; Schneider, Martin; Viehmann, Johannes
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2017 IT-Sicherheit für Bankenrechenzentren: Cyberrisiken bis in die Kern-Geschäftsprozesse analysieren
Großmann, Jürgen; Viehmann, Johannes
Journal Article
2017 Risikobeurteilung in der IT-Sicherheit Kritischer Infrastrukturen - Eine Analyse der Risikobeurteilung im Förderschwerpunkt ITS|KRITIS
Gurschler, Tamara; Großmann, Jürgen; Kotarski, David; Teichmann, Clemens; Thim, Christof; Eichler, Jörn; Göllner, Johannes; Gronau, Norbert; Lechner, Ulrike
Conference Paper
2016 Vernetzte IT-Sicherheit in kritischen Infrastrukturen. Tl.2: Informationssicherheit - PREVENT - Integriertes Risikomanagement zur Prävention von Cyber-Angriffen auf die Kernsysteme einer Bank
Großmann, Jürgen
Journal Article
2015 Combining security risk assessment and security testing based on standards
Großmann, Jürgen; Seehusen, Fredrik
Conference Paper
2014 DIAMONDS Schlussbericht
Schieferdecker, Ina; Großmann, Jürgen; Schneider, Martin; Viehmann, Johannes; Pietsch, Stephan; Pietschker, Andrej; Jakob, Felix; Schulze, Andreas
2014 Security testing approaches - for research, industry and standardization
Rennoch, Axel; Schieferdecker, Ina; Großmann, Jürgen
Conference Paper
2014 Combining risk analysis and security testing
Großmann, Jürgen; Schneider, Martin; Viehmann, Johannes; Wendland, Marc-Florian
Conference Paper
2014 Testing hybrid systems with TTCN-3
Großmann, Jürgen
Doctoral Thesis
2014 Combining security risk assessment and security testing
Großmann, Jürgen; Seehusen, Fredrik
2014 Message from RISK 2014 Workshop Chairs
Bauer, Thomas; Felderer, Michael; Großmann, Jürgen; Seehusen, Fredrik; Wendland, Marc-Florian
Conference Paper
2014 CRSTIP - an assessment scheme for security assessment processes
Molnar, Arthur-Jozsef; Großmann, Jürgen
Conference Paper
2014 A trace management platform for risk-based security testing
Großmann, Jürgen; Berger, Michael; Viehmann, Johannes
Conference Paper
2014 Stand und Trends der Qualitätssicherung von vernetzten eingebetteten Systemen
Schneider, Martin; Großmann, Jürgen; Lapi, Evanela; Schieferdecker, Ina
2014 IT und Internet als kritische Infrastruktur
Beck, Roman; Caumanns, Jörg; Großmann, Jürgen; Meissen, Ulrich; Schiller, Jochen; Schulz, Sönke E.; Tiemann, Jens; Tischer, Jakob; Wolf, Armin; Wollina, Markus
2013 Online model-based behavioral fuzzing
Schneider, Martin; Großmann, Jürgen; Schieferdecker, Ina; Pietschker, Andrej
Conference Paper
2013 Authentication on high critical infrastructures using interoperable federated identities
Lunkeit, Armin; Großmann, Jürgen
Conference Paper
2013 Security testing achievements and benefits by european research
Rennoch, Axel; Schieferdecker, Ina; Großmann, Jürgen
2013 Berührungspunkte und übergreifende Risiken des Security- und Safety Engineering durch die Vernetzung elektronischer Automobilsysteme mit Internet-Konnektivität
Robinson-Mallett, Christopher; Großmann, Jürgen; Kaiser, Bernd
Conference Paper
2012 Model-based security testing
Schieferdecker, Ina; Großmann, Jürgen; Schneider, Martin
Conference Paper
2011 Model-based X-in-the-loop testing
Großmann, Jürgen; Makedonski, Philip; Wiesbrock, Hans-Werner; Svacina, Jaroslav; Schieferdecker, Ina; Grabowski, Jens
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2006 Testing of embedded control systems with continous signals
Schieferdecker, Ina; Großmann, Jürgen
Conference Paper
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