Innovation and Technology Transfer
Innovations arise when ideas and inventions are implemented in new products, services or processes which are successfully used and penetrate the market. The goal of Fraunhofer FOKUS is to strengthen the utilization dynamics of applied research and pave the way for this research to enter the market. It does this by systematically identifying project results, developing business models, and marketing and further developing research findings of Fraunhofer FOKUS.
The innovative power of Fraunhofer FOKUS
The Fraunhofer Gesellschaft is known worldwide for its outstanding applied research and marketable innovations. The FOKUS Innovation and Technology Transfer aims to professionalize the utilization of research findings and strengthen the innovative power of Fraunhofer FOKUS. To this end, FOKUS is establishing an innovation network which brings together various stakeholders (providers of ideas and founders, patent lawyers, VC investors, companies and SMEs, as well as government and public administration) through the entire innovation process. Innovations of FOKUS with potential are systematically identified and prepared for utilization. FOKUS creates utilization structures and sets up utilization companies both nationally and internationally. At the same time, the department develops new fields and markets.
What we offer
Innovation Hub:
- Systematic identification and utilization of project results and prototypes
- Development of business models
- Establishing an Innovation N
- Network with representatives from industry and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
- Workshops, mentoring and best practices for utilizing research findings for providers of ideas and founders
Business Development:
- Development of new markets for FOKUS (application areas and international)
- Acquisition of inter-departmental projects
- Strategic positioning, marketing and further development of research findings, negotiation with distributors, licensing