Contact Person
Kontaktbild Prof. Dr. Manfred Hauswirth, Geschäftsführender Direktor am Fraunhofer FOKUS
Tom Ritter Kontaktbild Quadratisch
Prof. Dr. Manfred Hauswirth
Executive Director FOKUS
+49 30 3463-7204
Dr. rer. nat. Tom Ritter
Deputy Director FOKUS
+49 30 3463-7278
More information

Institutsbild Fraunhofer FOKUS
Philipp Plum/ Fraunhofer Fokus

We connect everything

Fraunhofer FOKUS conducts research on digital transformation and its impact on economics, technology, and our society. Since 1988, FOKUS has been supporting commercial enterprises and public administrations in the shaping and implementation of digital transformation. For this purpose, Fraunhofer FOKUS offers research services ranging from requirements analysis to consulting, feasibility studies, technology development right up to prototypes and pilots in the business segments Digital Public Services, Future Applications and Media, Quality Engineering, Smart Mobility, Software-based Networks and Collaborative Safety and Security. With around 490 employees in Berlin and an annual budget of 36,1 million euros, Fraunhofer FOKUS is one of the largest ICT institutes of the Fraunhofer Society. More than 80 percent of its budget is generated through projects from industry and the public domain.

Organisation Chart Fraunhofer FOKUS
Haushalt 2024 FOKUS
Fraunhofer FOKUS

Facts and Figures


FOKUS employs 494 people, including 174 students and interns (status 5/2024).


The Fraunhofer FOKUS budget in 2023 was around 42,6 million euros. 28,5 million euros was spent on personnel, 13 million euros on equipment and materials and 1,1 million euros on investments.

Climate protection and sustainability

Employees, managers, and institute management are equally involved in implementing sustainability measures at Fraunhofer FOKUS: The institute has had its own Climate Protection and Sustainability Officer since November 2021 and established a Steering Group for Climate Protection and Sustainability in March 2022. Fraunhofer FOKUS is a member of the Fraunhofer Sustainability Network and the Fraunhofer Energy Efficiency and Climate Protection Network.

The institute motivates employees to make their daily commutes climate-friendly by bicycle or public transport. The repurposing of car parking spaces as bicycle parking spaces, the offer of a VBB job ticket, and the installation of charging points for electric vehicles are low-threshold ways of anchoring the idea of sustainability in employees' everyday lives. Other measures include a photovoltaic system installed on the roof of the building in 2013 that covers part of the electricity requirements, as well as the continued purchase of electricity from 100 percent renewable energy sources since 2019.

Since 2014, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft has published an annual Corporate Social Responsibility Report, which discloses economic, ecological, and social issues. By 2030, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft plans to reduce 55 percent of its emissions, offset the rest, and achieve actual climate neutrality by 2045. Further information on resources and procurement, good scientific practice, human rights strategy, and sustainability standards can be found on the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft's Corporate Social Responsibility website.