Sep. 01, 2006 to Feb. 28, 2010
MODELPLEX (MODELling solution for comPLEX software systems) is an IST project funded from call 2.5.5 and will last for 42 (36+6) months. MODELPLEX has three major objectives:
- Objective A: Develop an open solution for complex systems engineering improving quality and productivity;
- Objective B: Lead its industrialization;
- Objective C: Ensure its successful adoption by the industry.
Model-driven engineering (MDE) is an approach that is gaining acceptance in several software domains with proven benefits such as cost reduction and quality improvement. However, applicability to complex systems engineering still remains a challenge despite the fact that complex systems have an even greater need for model-based approaches. Models can indeed provide the necessary abstractions that enable human comprehension, communication, simulation and analysis, and synthesis of implementation artifacts which is vital for such systems.
MODELPLEX is driven by Industrial Use Cases ensuring the applicability and the integration of the different technologies produced by the academics and industrial partners. This approach will allow an iterative process where the technology providers will receive continuous feedback from the Industrial Use Cases implementer and benefit from a richer and immediate return on experience.
MODELPLEX defines and develops a coherent infrastructure specifically for the application of MDE to the development and subsequent management of complex systems within a variety of industrial domains, where “complexity” is characterized by a combination of size, heterogeneity, legacy system management, dynamicity, distribution and autonomy of systems.
MODELPLEX will use established MODELWARE technologies as a basis for providing an enhanced MDE approach to solving complex systems engineering problems and will combine substantial innovations in model engineering technology, validation and verification, as well as system management and control. MODELPLEX is organized into two phases of 18 months, each phase delivering significantly innovative and implemented open solutions. The first phase will build and deliver appropriate MDE solutions for complex systems and prepare their consolidation within selected industrial domains. The second phase will improve this based on the lessons learned in the first phase and in addition provide innovative new results. To achieve the objectives, a consortium of 21 complementary partners of internationally recognized experts in MDE has been setup. It includes major leaders of software intensive industry firms, tool vendors, academia and consultancy companies based in 8 countries.
SQC contributes to the Modelplex project in various areas. A key area is the tool integration framework ModelBus, which allows the creation of heterogeneous and distributed tool chains for large development teams. Another key area of contribution to Modelplex is the model-driven verification and testing. This includes the delivery of tailored verification and testing tools.