EU project DECIDO
Cloud infrastructure for evidence-based policy making
Mar. 01, 2021 to Feb. 29, 2024
Task and problem definition
The current state of technology offers a wide range of possibilities for analyzing and evaluating data. Common technological concepts are, for example, Big Data analyses, central databases, computer-aided decision-making systems or artificial intelligence. The possibilities offered by these digital technologies are not yet (fully) utilized by public authorities. Yet they could be of great added value, especially with regard to new ways of conceptualizing, planning, implementing and evaluating measures in the sense of evidence-based policymaking and governance.
At the same time, the European Commission initiated the development of a European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) back in 2015, which is intended to provide European scientists with access to data and, in particular, to data processing services. The implementation of EOSC was carried out until 2020. In the coming years, EOSC is to be communicated beyond the user group of researchers and extended to the public and private sectors.
This is where the DECIDO project steps in: DECIDO creates a link between the authorities and the EOSC. This will enable public authorities to utilize already existing infrastructures, services, data and methods, which will allow them to adopt a more informed approach to policymaking. On the other hand, DECIDO contributes to extend the user group of the services and data of the European Cloud Infrastructure to public authorities.
Solution approach and technical implementation
The DECIDO project has undertaken the task of integrating already existing EOSC services and data into the policy-making of public authorities in Europe. Fraunhofer FOKUS is developing a web portal for this purpose, into which existing services, tools and data from EOSC, but also from third parties, such as the European Data Portal, will be linked.
In addition to the central access point for heterogeneous data and services that the DECIDO portal creates, the project is also testing co-creation approaches by involving citizens in the local development process of public authorities.
The relationship between the application of evidence-based policymaking and the use of the European cloud infrastructure will be explored during the course of the project through different scenarios in four pilot cities. The focus will be on use cases from disaster risk management: forest fire prevention (Kajaani, Finland; Aragon, Spain), improvement of emergency response designs related to floods and weather warnings (Turin, Italy), and improvement of emergency response mechanisms to power outages within public infrastructure in Greek municipalities.