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Contact Person
Ilja Radusch
Dr.-Ing. Ilja Radusch
Business Unit ASCT
+49 30 3463-7474


Tomorrow's Elastic Adaptive Mobility

Nov. 01, 2012 to Oct. 31, 2016

The project TEAM is aimed at developing new collaborative mobility solutions and addresses two important challenges in the present time: Designing an infrastructure, which is capable of meeting the increasing traffic demand and decreasing pollution.

TEAM connects vehicular technologies with elaborated communication technologies and telematics. For the first time, elements like automotive electronics, mobile devices, navigation systems, tablets and smartphones are integrated to focus on the drivers’ behavior.

Traffic participants will benefit from TEAMs real-time traffic recommendations, together with global mobility- and environmental aspects. TEAM transforms static into elastic mobility by uniting driver, traveler and infrastructure operators in a collaborative network.

Collaboration is the core concept, which extends the concept of Car-2-Car communication through interaction and participation.

Fraunhofer FOKUS coordinates the TEAM project, takes responsibility for the security solution, develops applications, which use the simulation environment VSimRTI to make predictions about the traffic volume and develops algorithms for collaborative mobility strategies.

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