Non-linear Video serves basis for an interactive culture magazine
News from Sep. 30, 2015
The project “Kulturmagazin interaktiv”, sponsored by the Medieninnovationszentrum Babelsberg (MIZ), deals with creating a culture magazine where users can indepently navigate through content and thereby compile their own personal program. The basis for this offers a technology developed by Fraunhofer FOKUS to create interactive video content.
In July 2015, two students of the Filmuniversität Babelsberg and one alumnus of the Fachhochschule Potsdam start to work on an interactive culture magazine. The 6-months project within the initiative “FILMUNI.HPI plus” is funded by the Medieninnovationszentrum Babelsberg and cooperates with the Österreichischer Rundfunk (ORF) and Fraunhofer FOKUS.
“Kulturmagazin interaktiv” aims to create a new culture magazine where users can navigate through content independently. In the opposite to existing culture magazines that target the broad masses and therefore stay superficial, the project performance shall offer the users individual programs and increased depth of information.
Fraunhofer FOKUS Business Unit FAME provides with “Non-linear Video” (NLV) a technology that realizes this interactive user experience. The CMS makes objects clickable and enables users to explore background information, further videos, games or shops while they watch video. At the same time, NLV allows to integrate social media so that users can communicate about the video content.