ELAN Projekte Cloud for Europe Logo
Contact Person
Andreas Hoffmann
Dipl.-Inform. Andreas Hoffmann
Business Unit SQC
+49 30 3463-7392

Cloud for Europe (C4E)

June 01, 2013 to June 30, 2017

Cloud for Europe (C4E) addresses the goals of the European Cloud Partnership program. The main objectives of C4E are to build trust in European Cloud Computing, to remove the obstacles for Cloud adoption and to harmonize the requirements from different public organizations beyond national borders. The program is co-funded by the European Commission under the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP7).

Cloud for Europe uses pre-commercial procurement (PCP) as an instrument for public sector innovation to identify innovative solutions for cloud services that best fit public sector needs. The program aims to give recommendations for future PCP activities and define suitable contractual terms and conditions. Guidance and training materials will be produced for industry as potential tenderers as well as for public authorities who would like to apply a PCP scheme to procure cloud services. 

The System Quality Center (SQC) contributes to the quality assessment of the tender specifications as well as the quality of the proposed and offered solutions. SQC validates joint selection and award criteria and will help using a certification scheme for Cloud services, which is applicable to the procured services. The introduction of certificates shall indicate that the process of specification, implementation and evaluation of a Cloud service has followed a standard manner. 


Cloud for Europe gathers 24 partners from 12 countries.