Contact Person
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Jennifer Hauda

Fraunhofer-Institut FOKUS Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31 10589 Berlin

Career opportunities after graduation

Fraunhofer FOKUS offers academics excellent career prospects and the opportunity to further develop their skills. Especially the wide range of research topics and our large network with research, industry, politics and administration offer an attractive chance to actively take part in the shaping of the digital transformation. While working with us, you'll have the opportunity to conduct research that is closely interlocked with industrial practice. You can participate in national and international research projects and simultaneously qualify for a responsible function in the industry.

Since the institute puts a lot of emphasis on professional and personal training, the employees of Fraunhofer FOKUS can obtain diverse qualifications. The establishment of spin-offs and the marketing of business ideas are actively supported by the institute.

Take advantage of our close partnerships with many Berlin universities to do your doctorate. 

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