User-oriented earthquake early warning system with intelligent sensor systems and digital building models
Jan. 01, 2020 to Dec. 31, 2022
The project ROBUST develops a user-oriented early earthquake warning and response system that can detect earthquakes, immediately and automatically initiate measures to protect people, infrastructure and the economy, and can predict possible damage. Affected persons will be informed via an extension of the KATWARN warning system developed by Fraunhofer FOKUS.
Although Germany is mainly affected by weak, often hardly noticeable seismic events, there are some regions where moderate to strong earthquakes occur and can cause considerable damage. To minimize such damage, the ROBUST project combines a network of decentralized sensor systems for early earthquake warning with local monitoring systems of structures connected to digital building models (BIM). The system is developed in close cooperation with the industrial partners (LOIs) in order to adress the specific user requirements.