EnhAnced Government LEarning

Feb. 01, 2014 to Jan. 31, 2017

Public administrations need to cope with various challenges: new regulations, an aging workforce and the need for adopting their ICT. Technology-enhanced learning represents thus a sensible option notably for rural local governments that need to keep up with such changing environments, but do have limited access to training courses.

EAGLE aims at creating an open learning platform and services to equip employees in rural local government administrations with a holistic training solution that supports learning of critical transversal skills such as ICT literacy, information literacy and professional management of change situations in entire organizations at all levels. Recognition of public servants as users and authors and for sharing their expertise with colleagues will be the incentive to keep the system lively and up to date.

EAGLE’s Technical Mission is the provision of:

  • Workplace based learning connecting everyday work documents and systems with learning opportunities
  • Tailored system/ instances for public administration
  • Linking work documents/ processes/ people to Open Educational Resources
  • Linking skill profiles to content to allow personalized learning
  • Collaboration facilities and support to allow collaborative learning and authoring