Economy of security measures in public transport
July 16, 2016 to June 30, 2019
Germany's public transport system (ÖPV) carries around 10 billion passengers a year, of which Deutsche Bahn alone carries around 27%. Passengers expect a high level of safety in vehicles and stations, which must be guaranteed by appropriate measures. The challenge here is to implement security with economically viable measures.
The WiSima project is developing proposals to improve passengers' perception of safety. Using a special evaluation method, existing measures, such as video surveillance in trains and stations, are recorded and evaluated in terms of their cost-efficiency. In particular, security communication is analyzed, as it has a central influence on the security perception of passengers. The innovation lies in the combination of different scientific investigation methods from the areas of perceived security, security economics and security communication.
The goal of the project is the conception, implementation and use of a mobile security app. This app should be able to capture the security perception of passengers in public transport in near real-time. Furthermore, the app should be able to document and evaluate security incidents. The collected data will be analyzed and evaluated in order to identify security technology trends in public transport and thus develop a basis for security measures with the involvement of experts.
The cooperation of Deutsche Bahn and other public transport companies will ensure that this tool is designed in a practical manner and can be implemented for other public transport operators.