Mar. 01, 2009 to Feb. 28, 2013

In the IMSK (Integrated Mobile Security Kit) project, an information platform was developed that combines various technologies for monitoring areas and control points, for detecting weapons of mass destruction and for VIP protection. The system is designed for mobile use so as to ensure an improved safety situation in temporary locations, such as in hotels, at sports arenas or at festivals for example.

The IMSK platform integrates information from existing and new sensor technologies and creates mutual situation overviews that are synchronized with information from the intelligence services. The project partners work closely with active safety experts.

In the IMSK project, an information platform was developed that combines various technologies for monitoring areas and control points, for detecting weapons of mass destruction and for VIP protection. The system is designed for mobile use so as to ensure an improved safety situation in temporary locations, such as in hotels, at sports arenas or at festivals for example.