
Content sharing in home-to-home networks


The share it! project developed an end-to-end system that enables easy access to and transfer of personal content between local storage devices using home-to-home (h2h) networks and that enables innovative services through a seamless combination of on-line, broadcast, and stored content.
To achieve this objective, the project developed technologies that allow

  • secure remote viewing and manipulation of stored content through a broadband connection,
  • the convergence of broadcast content, on-line content, and user-produced content and metadata.

Key issues

  • The key issues addressed by the project are:
  • Home-to-home connection
  • Security Authentication
  • Remote management of content
  • File transfer and export of file systems
  • Device, service and content discovery (peer-to-peer)
  • Digital rights management (DRM)
  • Provision of an interoperable storage system - the share it! box
  • Study how to implement the paradigm shift from broadcaster-directed applications to consumer-driven applications
  • Contribution to DVB and TV-Anytime

FOKUS Contribution

Within share it!, Fraunhofer FOKUS is responsible for the following main activities:

  • Interaction design and development of the resident navigator of the share it! box
  • Developement of MHP applications which enable the end user to become content provider in a share it! peeer-to-peer network:
  • Camera application to import picture from a digital camera into the share it! box, manage pictures locally and share them with other peers
  • BundleMaker - a tool for bundling collections of home-grown content and third party content
  • Annotation tool to index and annotate video content

The project is partially sponsored by the European Commission (IST-2000-28703).