Improving the understanding of social data - interactive and accessible to all
News from Nov. 15, 2023
The Senate Department for Labour, Social Affairs, Equality, Integration, Diversity and Anti-Discrimination presents a new digital solution for visualising social data. The Social Information System (SIS), which received the Berlin Administration Prize in 2021, is being expanded to include a dashboard functionality. This enables social data to be visualised in the form of graphics, maps and diagrams. The Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS provided scientific support for the project and assisted with the technical implementation.
There are currently six dashboards for the following transfer benefits:
- Subsistence assistance
- Basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity
- Integration assistance
- Care assistance
- Benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act
- Benefits according to the state care allowance law.
Senator Cansel Kiziltepe: “With the modern data dashboards, we are helping to make administrative data transparent and intuitively accessible - for our colleagues in the administration as well as for the general public.”
With the dashboards, the number of recipients and temporal developments as well as spatial distribution can be viewed at one glance. In the coming months, the functionality will be gradually expanded to enable the integration of additional data sets and facilitate the linking of data records. This is an important step on the path to integrated poverty and social reporting. The objective is to precisely describe the social situation of Berlin's population in terms of living conditions and socio-spatial areas in order to develop and manage more targeted poverty prevention measures on this basis.
Senator Cansel Kiziltepe: “We must tackle the growing social challenges in Berlin in a determined and targeted manner. To do this, we need a solid database. This system is an important building block for improving the management of social policy in our city and advancing the battle against poverty.”
The Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS provided scientific support for the project and assisted with the technical implementation.
Philipp Martin, project manager at Fraunhofer FOKUS: “We are delighted to be making a contribution to making Berlin's administrative data more accessible. With our solution, we are showing how a low-threshold entry into data analyses within public administration can be achieved – and which technologies lower the entry barriers. To do this, we use open source tools that enable lightweight data analyses even on a small scale and can be flexibly expanded at a later time. At the same time, low-code components help administrative staff to create data reports and dashboards independently and without extensive IT knowledge, enabling them to better understand and utilise existing data more effectively.”
Philipp Martin emphasises: “It was important to us not to create an insular solution. That's why we pay particular attention to interoperability. The great potential of the Berlin social information system and the associated tools for data analyses lies in the possibility of being able to network the data with other offices and authorities in the future and derive new insights from it. Finally, a data platform that is successfully in use also encourages other players in the public sector to make their data more accessible. Relying on open source and low-code solutions for this strengthens the digital sovereignty of the Berlin administration.”