Contact Person
Marc-Florian Wendland
M.Sc. Marc-Florian Wendland
Senior Scientist
Business Unit SQC
+49 30 3463-7395
Marc-Florian Wendland
Fraunhofer FOKUS

Dipl.-Inform. M.Sc.Marc-Florian Wendland is a scientist at the Business Unit SQC

Education & Career

Marc-Florian Wendland studied media informatics and subsequently computer engineering at the Beuth University of Applied Sciences (formerly: TFH Berlin). His diploma thesis “Information Integration in Heterogeneously Distributed Databases” was awarded the coveted Joachim Tiburtius Prize for the best diploma thesis in Berlin in 2008. For more than ten years, he has worked as a research associate at the Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS, focusing on the optimization of quality assurance processes in complex, software-intensive systems. He has been responsible for the development of strategies, solutions and prototypes in numerous national and international research and industry projects in a wide range of industries. His specialization is the automation of test design and execution. He has worked on the incorporation of abstraction for the purpose of automation, such as is the case with model-based and keyword-driven testing.

Ever since he started working at the Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS, Marc-Florian Wendland has been involved in various standardization activities. Since 2010, he has been leading the UML Testing Profile (UTP) working group at the OMG. In addition, he is involved in the standardization work around the modeling languages UML and SysML. At ETSI, he was instrumental in the publication of the test modeling language Test Description Language (TDL). Briefly, Marc-Florian Wendland was also deputy head of the Software Testing Berlin/Brandenburg expert group. Since 2019, Marc-Florian Wendland has been a member of the German Testing Board (GTB) and is active there as deputy working group leader for the training programs “Test Automation Developer” (ATE) and "Acceptance Testing” (AccT).

In addition to his industry-related research activities at the Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS and standardization and committee work, Marc-Florian Wendland is also active as a freelance trainer for the various ISTQB Certified Tester training courses.


  • Model-based Testing
  • Model-driven Development
  • UML
  • UML Testing Profile
  • TTCN-3
  • X-Technologies


2008 – Joachim-Tiburtius-Preis 2008 for the best diploma thesis in district of Berlin
2007 – TFH Showtime Award (Category: Innovative Software)


2009 – TTCN-3-Expert (iSQI-certified)


Standardization working groups

  • Chair of the UML Testing Profile (UTP) 1.1 Revision Task Force (RTF) at OMG
  • Member of Requirements Interchange Format (ReqIF) Finalization Task Force (FTF) at OMG
  • Chair of the UML Testing Profile (UTP) 1.2 Revision Task Force (RTF) at OMG
  • Member of Requirements Interchange Format (ReqIF) 1.1 Revision Task Force (FTF) at OM
  • Member of Test Interchange Format (TestIF) Finalization Task Force (FTF) at OMG
  • Member of UML 2.5 Finalization Task Force (FTF) at OMG
  • Member of the SIGMBT at iSQI for the development of a new qualification certification schema and syllabus.

Conferences/Workshop Committees


Current Projects:

  • REuse and Migration of legacy applications to Interoperable Cloud Services (REMICS), EU FP7, 2010 - 2013
  • Model and Inference Driven - Automated testing of Services architectures (MIDAS), EU FP7, 2012 – 2015

Previous Projects

  • Validation-driven design for component-based architectures (VERDE), ITEA2, 2009 – 2012
  • UML Testing Profile 1.2 Revision (UTP RTF) bei der OMG (Chair), 2011 - 2012
  • Model-Based Testing with UML@Telekom (MUT), industrial project, 2010 – 2011
  • UML Testing Profile 1.1 Revision (UTP RTF) bei der OMG (Chair), 2010 – 2011
  • Risk-oriented Testing of embedded, safety-critical Systems (ROTESS), FhG Challenge-Projekt, 2009 – 2011
  • MODELling solution for comPLEX software systems (Modelplex), EU-project, finished 2010
  • RTE Space project, funded by the European Space Agency (ESA), industrial project, finished 2008


Publication Type
2023 Defining software test architectures with the UML testing profile
Hagar, Jon; Wendland, Marc-Florian
Conference Paper
2020 Fuzzing of mobile application in the banking domain. A case study
Schneider, Martin A.; Wendland, Marc-Florian; Akin, Abdurrahman; Sentürk, Serafettin
Conference Paper
2019 Extending UTP 2 with cascading arbitration specifications
Wendland, Marc-Florian; Schneider, Martin; Hoffmann, Andreas
Conference Paper
2018 Execution of UTP test cases using fUML
Wendland, M.-F.; Hoppe, N.
Conference Paper
2018 Extending the UML Testing Profile with a Fine-Grained Test Logging Model
Wendland, M.-F.; Hoppe, N.; Schneider, M.; Ulrich, S.
Conference Paper
2017 Gaining certainty about uncertainty: Testing cyber-physical systems in the presence of uncertainties at the application level
Schneider, Martin A.; Wendland, Marc-Florian; Bornemann, Leon
Conference Paper
2016 Gaining certainty about uncertainty: Testing for uncertainties of cyber-physical systems at the application level
Schneider, Martin; Wendland, Marc-Florian; Bornemann, Leon
2016 Enabling data flows in UML interactions
Wendland, Marc-Florian; Barakat, Ramon; Schneider, Martin
Conference Paper
2016 Towards executable UML interactions based on fUML
Wendland, Marc-Florian
Conference Paper
2015 A negative input space complexity metric as selection criterion for fuzz testing
Schneider, Martin A.; Wendland, Marc-Florian; Hoffmann, Andreas
Conference Paper
2015 Advanced test modelling and execution based on the international standardized techniques TTCN-3 and UTP
Rennoch, Axel; Wendland, Marc-Florian; Hoffmann, Andreas; Schneider, Martin
Conference Paper
2015 Improving security testing with usage-based fuzz testing
Schneider, Martin A.; Herbold, Steffen; Wendland, Marc-Florian; Grabowski, Jürgen
Conference Paper
2015 Das UML Testing Profile - Version 2. Der zukünftige Standard für modellbasiertes Testen
Schacher, Markus; Wendland, Marc-Florian
Journal Article
2015 The MIDAS cloud platform for testing SOA applications
Herbold, Steffen; Francesco, Alberto de; Grabowski, Jens; Harms, Patrick; Hillah, Lom M.; Kordon, Fabrice; Maesano, Ariele-Paolo; Maesano, Libero; Napoli, Claudia di; Rosa, Fabio de; Schneider, Martin A.; Tonellotto, Nicola; Wendland, Marc-Florian; Wuillemin, Pierre-Henri
Conference Paper
2014 Combining risk analysis and security testing
Großmann, Jürgen; Schneider, Martin; Viehmann, Johannes; Wendland, Marc-Florian
Conference Paper
2014 Message from RISK 2014 Workshop Chairs
Bauer, Thomas; Felderer, Michael; Großmann, Jürgen; Seehusen, Fredrik; Wendland, Marc-Florian
Conference Paper
2014 Abstractions on test design techniques
Wendland, Marc-Florian
Conference Paper
2014 Risk-based testing (Track introduction)
Felderer, Michael; Wendland, Marc-Florian; Schieferdecker, Ina
Conference Paper
2014 How does the UML testing profile support risk-based testing
Ali, Shaukat; Yue, Tao; Hoffmann, Andreas; Wendland, Marc-Florian; Bagnato, Alessandra; Brosse, Etienne; Schacher, Markus; Dai, Zhen Ru
Conference Paper
2013 Model-based testing in legacy software modernization: An experience report
Wendland, Marc-Florian; Kranz, Marco; Hein, Christian; Ritter, Tom; García Flaquer, Ana
Conference Paper
2013 Testing satellite on-board software - A model based approach
Zeuner, M.; Gogl, H.; Herpel, H.-J.; Willich, G.; Wendland, M.-F.
Conference Paper
2013 Fokus!MBT - a multi-paradigmatic test modeling environment
Wendland, Marc-Florian; Hoffmann, Andreas; Schieferdecker, Ina
Conference Paper
2012 Message from the MoTiP Workshop Co-chairs
Bauer, T.; Wendland, M.-F.; Wieczorek, S.
Conference Paper
2012 A systematic approach to risk-based testing using risk-annotated requirements models
Wendland, M.-F.; Kranz, M.; Schieferdecker, I.
Conference Paper
2011 Model-based Fokus!MBT and ModelBus - heading towards test automation
Wendland, Marc-Florian; Bureck, Max
2011 Automatisierung modellbasierter Tests
Wendland, Marc-Florian; Bureck, Max
Journal Article
2011 Model-based testing: Trends
Schieferdecker, I.; Großmann, J.; Wendland, M.-F.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2011 Requirements-driven testing with behavior trees
Wendland, M.-F.; Schieferdecker, I.; Vouffo Feudjio, A.
Conference Paper
2011 Testen mit dem UML Testing Profile
Wendland, Marc-Florian; Schieferdecker, Ina; Schacher, Markus
Journal Article
2010 Using the UML testing profile for enterprise service choreographies
Stefanescu, A.; Wieczorek, S.; Wendland, M.-F.
Conference Paper
2010 Establishing a service-oriented tool chain for the development of domain-independent MBT scenarios
Wendland, M.-F.; Großmann, J.; Hoffmann, A.
Conference Paper
2009 Testdaten- und Testorakelgenerierung aus OCL-Ausdrücken im Kontext modellbasierten Testens
Wendland, M.-F.
Master Thesis
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