FAME News BPS IFA 2016 970x485
Interview with Alexander Futasz on Broadcast Probing System, IFA 2016 Fraunhofer FOKUS

Broadcast Probing System at IFA 2016

News from Sep. 08, 2016

At IFA, Innovisions TV, a rapporteur for news on research and development in the IT industry, interviewed Alexander Futasz on the Broadcast Probing System. 

On August 3, 2016, Innovisions TV published a report on youtube about technologies shown at IFA. Alexander Futasz gave an interview on the Broadcast Probing System.

The Broadcast Probing System offers cloud-based continuous near real-time monitoring of broadcast networks by utilizing massively distributed low-cost probes. Controlled either individually or in groups the probes are securely instructed to execute scheduled jobs like scanning, tuning and transport stream inspection. The collected spatiotemporal data links RF characteristics and stream quality (e.g. Signal levels, TS packet errors), multiplexed tables (e.g. AIT/HbbTV, EIT/EPG) and AV dumps to allow for live analysis, evaluation and integration into monitoring environments.