New HbbTV App for the rbb format Brandenburg Aktuell
News from June 08, 2017
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the program Brandenburg Aktuell the rbb has broadcasted from May 1 to May 7, 2017, one new historical episode per day. The MPAT project, that is coordinated by Fraunhofer FOKUS, generated a new HbbTV App that could be interactively used in this context.
The MPAT editor was also used to create the application for the weekly broadcasted criminal report “Täter, Opfer, Polizei” of rbb, which was on air until June 6, 2017, before going into summer hiatus. MPAT made it possible to build HbbTV pages allowing viewers to see supplementary material regarding the cases covered in the report.
The MPAT editor was created with the HbbTV Application Toolkit (HAT), based on the concept of Wordpress. This allows an easy handling and a flexible design and use.