Dr.-Ing. Louay Bassbouss

Scientist and project manager R & D at the Business Unit FAME

Working Areas

  • Future Web Applications
  • Mashup Technologies
  • Mobile Computing
  • eGovernment Computing
  • context aware computing

Curriculum Vitae

Louay Bassbouss studied Computer Engineering at the Technical University of Berlin (TUB). He received his diploma in october 2008 with the completion of his thesis about Automatic Service Composition in user-centric mobile networks. Since that time, he started working as research engineer at the group of Open Communication Systems (OKS) at the Technical University of Berlin and the Business Unit Future Applications and Media (FAME) of the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communications Systems in Berlin. His main research activities focuses on service composition, collaboration and interaction within the area of service oriented architectures as well as Web 2.0. Louay Bassbouss has been involved in multiple national (DOCAMPUS, Government Mashups) and international projects (BIONETS, uMash, Padgets, Open Cities, COSMOS) within the area of service oriented architectures, Web Mashups, mobile computing, and technologies for future Web applications. In March 2020, he completed his dissertation at TU Berlin with the title "Concepts and models for creating distributed multimedia applications and content in a multiscreen environment".


Publication Type
2024 A Novel Approach for Remote Rendering and Streaming in XR
Zoubarev, Alexander; Bassbouss, Louay; Tran, Duc Long; Steglich, Stephan; Arbanowski, Stefan
Conference Paper
2024 Opportunities and Challenges in Developing Educational AI-Assistants for the Metaverse
Krauss, Christopher; Balitzki, Emil; Bassbouss, Louay; Upravitelev, Max; An, Truong-Sinh; El Tamimi, Tarek; Altun, Daniela; Reray, Lisa; Karagülle, Mehmet
Conference Paper
2024 Comprehensive Testbed for Evaluating Remote Rendering Performance in the Evolving Metaverse
Bassbouss, Louay; Zoubarev, Alexander; Steglich, Stephan; Arbanowski, Stefan; Pogrzeba, Peter
Conference Paper
2023 The evolution of delivering immersive media over 5G/Cloud
Aracena, Mauricio; Redmann, Bill; Kang, Du Ho; Bassbouss, Louay; Schwarz, Sebastian
Conference Paper
2023 Metaverse Remote Rendering Testbed
Bassbouss, Louay; Neparidze, Andy; Kieslich, Kolja; Steglich, Stephan; Arbanowski, Stefan; Pogrzeba, Peter
Conference Paper
2023 True 3D Holography: A Communication Service of Tomorrow and its Requirements for a New Converged Cloud and Network Architecture on the Path to 6G
Friese, Ingo; Galkow-Schneider, Mandy; Bassbouss, Louay; Zoubarev, Alexander; Neparidze, Andy; Melnyk, Sergiy; Zhou, Qiuheng; Schotten, Hans D.; Pfandzelter, Tobias; Bermbach, David; Kritzner, Arndt; Zschau, Enrico; Dhara, Prasenjit; Göring, Steve; Menz, William; Raake, Alexander; Rüther-Kindel, Wolfgang; Quaeck, Fabian; Stuckert, Nick; Vilter, Robert
Conference Paper
2022 Integrating DVB-I with HbbTV
Bassbouss, Louay
2022 Streamlining WebRTC and DASH for near-real-time media delivery
Bassbouss, Louay; Begen, Ali C.; Silhavy, Daniel; Attia, Omar Sherif Gamal; Kenyon, Julia; Tov, Ofer Shem; Birmé, Jonas
Conference Paper
2022 The Metaverse and the TV
Bassbouss, Louay
2022 Marrying WebRTC and DASH for Interactive Streaming
Kenyon, Julia; Stockhammer, Thomas; Begen, Ali C.; Tov, Ofer Shem; Bassbouss, Louay; Silhavy, Daniel
Conference Paper
2022 Context-aware video encoding as a network-based media processing (NBMP) workflow
Müller, Christoph; Bassbouss, Louay; Pham, Stefan; Steglich, Stephan; Wischnowsky, Sven; Pogrzeba, Peter; Buchholz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2022 Dynamic ad substitution in hybrid broadband broadcast environments
Seeliger, Robert; Bassbouss, Louay
Conference Paper
2022 Machine learning for per-title encoding
Silhavy, Daniel; Chen, Anita; Krauss, Christopher; Nguyen, Anh Tu; Müller, Christoph; Arbanowski, Stefan; Steglich, Stephan; Bassbouss, Louay
Journal Article
2021 5G-VICTORI: Optimizing Media Streaming in Mobile Environments Using mmWave, NBMP and 5G Edge Computing
Bassbouss, Louay; Fadhel, Medhi Ben; Pham, Stefan; Chen, Anita; Steglich, Stephan; Troudt, Eric; Emmelmann, Marc; Gutiérrez, Jesus; Maletic, Jesús; Grass, Eckhard; Schinkel, Stefan; Wilson, Annette; Glaser, Sven; Schlehuber, Christian
Conference Paper
2020 Interactive 360° narrative for TV use
Fuhrhop, Christian; Bassbouss, Louay; Patz, Nicolas
Conference Paper
2020 Concepts and models for creating distributed multimedia applications and content in a multiscreen environment
Bassbouss, Louay
Doctoral Thesis
2019 Interactive 360° Video and Storytelling Tool
Bassbouss, Louay; Steglich, Stephan; Fritzsch, Igor
Conference Paper
2019 Towards personalized content replacements in hybrid broadcast broadband environments
Seeliger, Robert; Bassbouss, Louay; Arbanowski, Stefan; Steglich, Stephan
Conference Paper
2019 Die HbbTV-App "Kumpel-Tag mit Andy"
Klöckner, Christian; Steglich, Stephan; Bassbouss, Louay
Journal Article
2019 360° gestreamt - Ein Rundum-Fernseherlebnis
Bassbouss, Louay
Blog Post
2018 360° video storytelling and virtual reality workshop
Díaz-Kommonen, Lily; Vosmeer, Mirjam; Lee, Ji-Hye; Pham, Stefan; Bassbouss, Louay; Mancianti, Andrea
Conference Paper
2018 Streaming and playback of 16k 360° videos on the web
Bassbouss, Louay; Pham, Stefan; Steglich, Stephan
Conference Paper
2017 Towards a high efficient 360º video processing and streaming solution in a multiscreen environment
Bassbouss, Louay; Steglich, Stefan; Braun, Sascha
Conference Paper
2017 Smart TV 360°
Bassbouss, Louay; Steglich, Stephan; Fuhrhop, Christian
Conference Paper
2016 High quality 360° Video Rendering and Streaming on the Web
Bassbouss, Louay
Conference Paper
2016 360° video cloud streaming & HTMLVideoElement extensions
Bassbouss, Louay
2016 Semantic interoperability for the web of things
Bassbouss, Louay; Bauer, Martin; Ben Alaya, Mahdi; Bhowmik, Rajdeep; Chakraborty, Rabindra; Dadas, Mohammed; Davies, John; Diab, Wael; Drira, Khalil; Eastham, Bryant; El Kaed, Charbel; Elloumi, Omar; Girod-Genet, Marc; Hernandez, Nathalie; Hoffmeister, Michael; Jiménez, Jaime; Kanti Datta, Soumya; Khan, Imran; Kim, Dongjoo; Kraft, Andreas; Logvinov, Oleg; Longstreth, Terry; Martigne, Patricia; Mladin, Catalina; Monteil, Thierry; Murdock, Paul; Nappey, Philippé; Raggett, Dave; Roes, Jasper; Serrano, Martin; Seydoux, Nicolas; Simmon, Eric; Subramaniam, Ravi; Swetina, Joerg; Underwood, Mark; Wang, Chonggang; Whitehead, Cliff; Zhang, Yongjing
Internet Contribution
2016 High quality 360° video rendering and streaming
Bassbouss, Louay; Steglich, Stephan; Lasak, Martin
2014 Towards a wake-up and synchronization mechanism for multiscreen applications using iBeacon
Bassbouss, Louay; Güçlü, Görkem; Steglich, Stefan
Conference Paper
2014 Challenges for enabling targeted multi-screen advertisement for interactive TV services
Krauss, Christopher; Bassbouss, Louay; Pham, Stefan; Kaiser, Stefan; Arbanowski, Stefan; Steglich, Stephan
Conference Paper
2014 Towards a remote launch mechanism of TV companion applications using iBeacon
Bassbouss, Louay; Güçlü, Görkem; Steglich, Stephan
Conference Paper
2013 Towards a multi-screen application model for the web
Bassbouss, L.; Tritschler, M.; Steglich, S.; Tanaka, K.; Miyazaki, Y.
Conference Paper
2012 Empowering civic participation in the policy making process through social media
Kleinfeld, Robert; Bassbouss, L.; Alvertis, I.; Gionis, G.
Conference Paper
2012 Identification and utilization of components for a linked open data platform
Lapi, Evanela; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Bassbouss, Louay; Marienfeld, Florian; Schieferdecker, Ina
Conference Paper
2011 Do we know each other or is it just our devices?
George, Gionis; Desruelle, Heiko; Blomme, Dieter; Lyle, John; Faily, Shamal; Bassbouss, Louay
Conference Paper
2010 Government mashups
Klessmann, J.; Bassbouss, L.; Lucke, J. von
Journal Article
2008 Structured service composition execution for mobile web applications
Pfeffer, H.; Bassbouss, L.; Steglich, S.
Conference Paper
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