Testbeds for Reliable Smart City Machine-to-Machine Communication

Jan. 01, 2014 to Dec. 31, 2015

The EU funded Small or medium scale focused research project (STREP) from the ICT Call 10 ICT-2013-1.7(d): Future Internet Research Experimentation- EU-South Africa cooperation on future internet experimental research and testbed interconnection TRESCIMO started in January 2014 having Fraunhofer FOKUS/NGNI and TU Berlin/AV.

Proposal Abstract and idea of EU TRESCIMO project: 

Smarter and greener cities are essential to address economic, social, and environmental challenges due to the increase in urbanization, requiring informed decisions based on Internet of Things generated data.

One of the project challenges is related to the smart energy management context: for the future handling of grid overload in South Africa the necessary building blocks will involve demand- response mechanisms, installing small devices at the end-user, communicating over different network technologies to a central controller, allowing loads to be measured and limited if necessary.

Further challenges are the deployment of affordable smart sensors (e.g. ABS air sensors) as well as gathering information from nodes with limited power. In scenarios from energy consumption to waste bin levels, data is either sent over IP networks (which delivers data immediately) or collected in a delay tolerant mode by mobile devices of individuals or crowds. In delay tolerant mode the data is stored locally, to be delivered when a suitable network is reached. In cases of open data collection the devices in this Future Internet realm are targets of security attacks and might be vendor-locked with proprietary software stacks.

The project approach addresses these issues by interweaving a sophisticated Smart City platform (CSIR) and an ETSI/oneM2M compliant Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication framework (TUB/Fraunhofer OpenMTC) as well as a delay tolerant Smart Platform with the M2M framework (I2CAT). An emphasis is set on secure identification and authentication of sensors and users as well as policy-based store and forward functionality. To validate the approach, the project analyses the core developments in federated experimental facilities (testbeds) in Berlin (TUB) and Cape Town (UCT) using a Slice Federation Architecture (SFA) compliant testbed management framework (TUB FITeagle) and follow an empiric approach by conducting field studies (pilots) in Johannesburg (CSIR/Eskom) and Spain (I2CAT/ABS).

  • EURESCOM, Germany (coordinator)
  • Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
  • Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
  • Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa
  • University of Cape Town, South Africa
  • AIRBASE Systems Ltd., Israel
  • ESKOM Holdings Ltd., South Africa
  • Fundacio Privada I2CAT, Internet I Innovacio Digital A CATALUNYA, Spain

Final review and presentation