Daniel Silhavy

Scientist and Project Manager R&D at the Business Unit FAME

Working areas:

  • IPTV
  • Adaptive Media Streaming
  • HbbTV

Daniel Silhavy is a scientist and project manager at the business unit Future Applications and Media (FAME) of the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS). He received his Master’s degree with the completion of his thesis “Ad Insertion in MPEG-DASH” at Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS) in 201. Daniel is the lead developer of the dash.js project and the development coordinator for the 5G-MAG Reference Tools.

His main area of expertise includes adaptive bitrate (ABR) streaming focusing on MPEG-DASH, Digital Rights Management (DRM), 5G media streaming and video-encoding. Daniel is actively contributing to standardization work done in DASH-IF and CTA-WAVE. Moreover, Daniel is giving lectures at the Technical University of Berlin and is supervising Bachelor and Master theses.  As part of his work in dash.js and the 5G-MAG Reference Tools, Daniel has developed in-depth knowledge in the field of media streaming and related specifications (ISO,3GPP,DVB,DASH-IF) and technologies, C++ programming, as well as web-based technologies and APIs such as HTML, JavaScript, node.js,  MSE and EME.

Daniel has published various technical papers covering topics around ABR media delivery and streaming analytics.


Publication Type
2024 Optimizing mobile video streaming through collaboration between content providers and 5G networks
Silhavy, Daniel; Bradbury, Richard; Waring, David; Audsin, Dev; Gimenez Gandia, Jordi Joan; Krauss, Kurt
Conference Paper
2023 Real-time Streaming Reliability and Performance Optimization Using Content Steering
Silhavy, Daniel; Pham, Stefan; Giladi, Alex; Balk, Alex; Begen, Ali C.; Law, Will
Conference Paper
2023 Media over 5G in Action - Target 2023 for 5G-MAG Reference Tools
Stockhammer, Thomas; Silhavy, Daniel; Gimenez , Jordi; Bradbury, Richard; Mika, Johann; Waring, David; Cao, Yiqing; Ding , Shilin; Krauss, Kurt
Conference Paper
2023 5G-MAG (Media Action Group) reference tools: Putting 5G in action for media
Silhavy, Daniel; Kühnhammer, Klaus; Mika, Johann; Stockhammer, Thomas; Gimenez, Jordi J.
Journal Article
2023 3GPP Rel-17 5G Media Streaming and 5G Broadcast powered by 5G-MAG Reference Tools
Silhavy, Daniel; Waring, David; Audsin, Dev; Bradbury, Richard; Mika, Johann; Kuehnhammer, Klaus; Krauss, Kurt; Gimenez Gandia, Jordi Joan
Conference Paper
2023 Dynamic CDN Switching - DASH-IF Content Steering in dash.js
Silhavy, Daniel; Law, Will; Pham, Stefan; Begen, Ali C.; Giladi, Alex; Balk, Alex
Conference Paper
2023 Common Media Server Data (CMSD) - Update on Implementations and Validation of Key Use Cases
Pham, Stefan; Law, Will; Begen, Ali C.; Silhavy, Daniel; Berthelot, Bertrand; Arbanowski, Stefan; Steglich, Stephan
Conference Paper
2022 Streamlining WebRTC and DASH for near-real-time media delivery
Bassbouss, Louay; Begen, Ali C.; Silhavy, Daniel; Attia, Omar Sherif Gamal; Kenyon, Julia; Tov, Ofer Shem; Birmé, Jonas
Conference Paper
2022 Marrying WebRTC and DASH for Interactive Streaming
Kenyon, Julia; Stockhammer, Thomas; Begen, Ali C.; Tov, Ofer Shem; Bassbouss, Louay; Silhavy, Daniel
Conference Paper
2022 Take the Red Pill for H3 and See How Deep the Rabbit Hole Goes
Nguyen, Minh; Timmerer, Christian; Pham, Stefan; Silhavy, Daniel; Begen, Ali C.
Conference Paper
2022 Latest advances in the development of the open-source player dash.js
Silhavy, Daniel; Pham, Stefan; Arbanowski, Stefan; Steglich, Stephan; Harrer, Björn
Conference Paper
2022 Machine learning for per-title encoding
Silhavy, Daniel; Krauß, Christopher; Chen, Anita; Nguyen, Anh Tu; Müller, Christoph; Arbanowski, Stefan; Steglich, Stephan; Bassbouss, Louay
Journal Article
2021 Road to Salvation: Streaming Clients and Content Delivery Networks Working Together
Begen, Ali C.; Bentaleb, Abdelhak; Silhavy, Daniel; Pham, Stefan; Zimmermann, Roger; Law, Will
Journal Article
2021 Standards-Based Streaming Analytics and its Visualization
Pham, Stefan; Avelino, Mariana; Silhavy, Daniel; An, Truong-Sinh; Arbanowski, Stefan
Conference Paper
2020 Low Latency DASH - more than just spec: DASH-IF test tools
Özturk, Ece; Silhavy, Daniel; Einarsson, Torbjörn; Stockhammer, Thomas
Conference Paper
2020 Evaluation of Shared Resource Allocation Using SAND for ABR Streaming
Pham, S.; Heeren, P.; Schmidt, C.; Silhavy, D.; Arbanowski, S.
Journal Article
2020 Low Latency Streaming and Multi DRM with Dash.Js
Silhavy, Daniel; Pham, Stefan; Lasak, Martin; Chen, Anita; Arbanowski, Stefan
Conference Paper
2019 Evaluation of shared resource allocation using SAND for ABR streaming
Pham, Stefan; Heeren, Patrick; Silhavy, Daniel; Arbanowski, Stefan
Conference Paper
2017 Performance considerations of HTML5-based dynamic packaging for media streaming
Silhavy, D.; Pham, S.; Arbanowski, S.
Conference Paper
2017 Dynamic ad-insertion and content orchestration workflows through manifest manipulation in HLS and MPEG-DASH
Seeliger, Robert; Silhavy, Daniel; Arbanowski, Stefan
Conference Paper
2016 Personalized dynamic ad insertion with MPEG DASH
Pham, Stefan; Krauss, Christopher; Silhavy, Daniel; Arbanowski, Stefan
Conference Paper
2016 Cross-platform ad-insertion using HbbTV and MPEG-DASH
Seeliger, Robert; Silhavy, Daniel; Pham, Stefan; Arbanowski, Stefan
Conference Paper
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