The BonFIRE (Building service testbeds for Future Internet Research and Experimentation) project will design, build and operate a multi-site cloud facility to support applications, services and systems research targeting the Internet of Services community within the Future Internet. The BonFIRE Project aims to give researchers access to an experimental facility which enables large scale experimentation of their systems and applications, the evaluation of cross-cutting effects of converged service and network infrastructures and the assessment of socio-economic and other non-technological impact.
How does the infrastructure work?
The BonFIRE Project will operate a Cloud facility based on an Infrastructure as a Service delivery model with guidelines, policies and best practices for experimentation. The BonFIRE Project will adopt a federated multi-platform approach providing interconnection and interoperation between novel service and networking testbeds. The platform will offer advanced services and tools for services research including cloud federation, virtual machine management, service modelling, service lifecycle management, service level agreements, quality of service monitoring and analytics. Where appropriate the BonFIRE Project will reuse and adapt existing tools from other FIRE (Future Internet Research and Experimentation) projects such as Panlab, Federica and Deisa.
What can be tested and how? The BonFIRE Project will support experimentation and testing of innovative scenarios from the Internet of Services research community specifically focused on the convergence of services and networks. Three scenarios are envisaged:
- Extended cloud scenario: tests are run on cloud computing sites interconnected through public Internet. Properties within the site are controlled but the properties of the network are not.
- Cloud with a controlled experimental network scenario: nodes are now connected through an emulated virtual internet, allowing both server and network properties to be controlled
- Extended Cloud: with complex network implications (using networks slices) and involving federation with other FIRE infrastructures.
The BonFIRE Project will provide innovative methods for describing, deploying, managing, executing, measuring and removing experiments including:
- Uniform test description and deployment descriptors for all the scenarios (including cross-cutting tests)
- Cloud resource federation through the federation of clouds in different administrative domains that provide physical resources to the BonFIRE Project
- User-friendly user interfaces at the facility’s entry point with an easy to use portal
Usage Information
The BonFIRE Project will stimulate research through two Open Calls for Experiments (1,34 M € funding) which are planned for March 2011 and March 2012. We will open the facility to researchers not funded through open calls later in the project. Prior to the open calls, three exemplar experiments will be developed (Dynamic Service Landscape Orchestration for Internet of Services, QoS-Oriented Service Engineering for Federated Clouds, Elasticity in cloud based web applications) to validate the facility and ensure the correct alignment of facility functionalities with experimenters’ needs.
Fraunhofer FOKUS in the BonFIRE Project
Fraunhofer FOKUS is contributing to the development of BonFIRE Project’s global system architecture, especially focusing on the impact on the BonFIRE Project facilities’ portal. The portal shall be developed in line with FIRESTATION’s architecture board guidelines seeking cooperation between all FIRE projects. FOKUS is leading the BonFIRE Project’s portal development based on the expertise in generic resource federation mechanisms.
Furthermore, FOKUS is managing the funded experiments that will be carried out within the scope of the two open calls. FOKUS will also be the official contact point for the non-funded experiments.
Finally, FOKUS is leading the BonFIRE Project’s collaboration activities, interacting with and contributing to coordination and support actions especially FIRESTATION in order to collectively help FIRE develop in a demand driven and transparent manner.
- Atos Origin SAE (ATOS), Spain
- University of Edinburgh (EPCC), United Kingdom
- SAP AG (SAP), Germany
- Universität Stuttgart (USTUTT), Germany
- Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS), Germany
- Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband Technology (IBBT), Belgium
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Spain
- Fundacio Privada i2CAT (i2CAT), Spain
- Hewlett-Packard Limited (HP), United Kingdom
- The 451 Group Limited (451G), United Kingdom
- Technische Universität Berlin (TUB), Germany
- University of Southampton (IT-Innovation), United Kingdom
- Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA), France