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Wissenschaftliche Publikationen 2016
Jahr Year |
Titel/Autor:in Title/Author |
Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2016 |
Smart Government - Intelligent vernetztes Regierungs- und Verwaltungshandeln Lucke, Jörn von |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Application-derived communication protocol selection in M2M platforms for smart cities Elmangoush, Asma |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis |
2016 |
Das ÖFIT-Trendsonar der IT-Sicherheit Opiela, Nicole; Hoepner, Petra; Weber, Mike |
Bericht Report |
2016 |
Digitale Vernetzung von Staat mit Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Wegener, Nora; Schoellhammer, Ralph G.; Köhl, Stefanie; Wolf, Petra; Klessmann, Jens; Parycek, Peter |
Buch Book |
2016 |
A benchmarking methodology for virtualized packet core implementations Corici, Marius; Gheorghe-Pop, Ilie; Cau, Eleonora; Corici, Andreea Ancuta; Magedanz, Thomas |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Microservices. Trendthema 36 Gottschick, Jan |
Buch Book |
2016 |
High quality 360° Video Rendering and Streaming on the Web Bassbouss, Louay |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Kooperative Governance zur Bereitstellung offener Verwaltungsdaten Klessmann, Jens |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis |
2016 |
CS&P 2016, Concurrency, Specification and Programming |
Tagungsband Conference Proceeding |
2016 |
Sudden cardiac arrest and the role of crowd tasking apps for risk mitigation Wurster, Simone; Fiedrich, Frank; Klafft, Michael; Bohn, Andreas |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Collaboration over IEEE 802.11p to enable an intelligent traffic light function for emergency vehicles Sawade, Oliver; Schäufele, Bernd; Radusch, Ilja |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Towards programmable fog nodes in smart factories Brito, Mathias Santos de; Steinke, Ronald; Willner, Alexander; Hoque, Saiful |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Normung und Standardisierung in einer digital vernetzten Wirtschaft Blind, Knut; Müller, Jo-Ann |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 |
Smart learning: Time-dependent context-aware learning object recommendations Krauss, Christopher |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
A rule-based agent-oriented approach for supporting weakly-structured scientific workflows Zhao, Z.; Paschke, A.; Zhang, R. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 |
Industrial Data Space. Digitale Souveränität über Daten Otto, Boris; Jürjens, Jan; Schon, Jochen; Auer, Sören; Menz, Nadja; Wenzel, Sven; Cirullies, Jan |
Bericht Report |
2016 |
DBcloud: Semantic Dataset for the cloud Morsey, M.; Willner, A.; Loughnane, R.; Giatili, M.; Papagianni, C.; Baldin, I.; Grosso, P.; Al-Hazmi, Y. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Open modular computing platforms in space - Learning from other industrial domains Herpel, H.-J.; Schuettauf, A.; Willich, G.; Tverdyshev, S.; Pletner, S.; Schön, F.; Kiewe, B.; Fidi, C.; Maeke-Kail, M.; Eckstein, K. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
High impact - low probability incidents at a coastal metropolis: Flood events and risk mitigation by crowd-tasking systems Wurster, Simone; Klafft, Michael; Fuchs-Kittowski, Frank |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Mobile Anwendungen für Bürger im Katastrophenschutz Fuchs-Kittowski, Frank; Meissen, Ulrich |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2016 |
Real-life constraints for neuro processing Serbedzija, Nikola |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
An extensible Autoscaling Engine (AE) for Software-based Network Functions Carella, Guiseppe Antonio; Pauls, Michael; Grebe, Lars; Corici, Marius; Magedanz, Thomas |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Automotive LIDAR sensor development scenarios for harsh weather conditions Kuttila, Matti; Pyykönen, Pasi; Ritter, Werner; Sawade, Oliver; Schäufele, Bernd |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
The absolute and social comparative analysis of driver performance on a simulated road network Dange, Gautam R.; Paranthaman, Pratheep K.; Samaritani, Marco; Smiai, Oussama; Bellotti, Francesco; Berta, Riccardo; Gloria, Alessandro de; Marchesoni, Mario; Massucco, Stefano; Pontow, Jens |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
The ubiquitous semantic web: Promises, progress and challenges Li, Yuan-Fang; Pan, Jeff Z.; Krishnaswamy, Shonali; Hauswirth, Manfred; Nguyen, Hai H. |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2016 |
A ruleML - DMN translator Paschke, A.; Könnecke, S. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Generating trust in collaborative annotation environments Al Qundus, Jamal |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
On the design of campus parking systems with QoS guarantees Griggs, W.; Yu, J.Y.; Wirth, F.; Häusler, F.; Shorten, R. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 |
6th International FOKUS FUSECO Forum (FFF) Digital Convergence and Seamless Connectivity for Everyone and Everything: Bringing 5G, SDN/NFV and M2M/IoT together Magedanz, T. |
Editorial |
2016 |
Digitale Bildung - Ein Diskussionspapier Opiela, Nicole; Weber, Mike |
Bericht Report |
2016 |
Mobiles Lernen in der beruflichen Bildung mit dem digitalen Lernbegleiter Zwicklbauer, Miggi; Krauss, Christopher; An, Truong-Sinh; Merceron, Agathe; Kania, Jost-Peter; Scharp, Michael |
Vortrag Presentation |
2016 |
CogNet: A network management architecture featuring cognitive capabilities Xu, Lei; Assem, Haytham; Yahia, Imen Griden Ben; Buda, Teodora Sandra; Martin, Angel; Gallico, Domenico; Biancani, Matteo; Pastor, Antonio; Aranda, Pedro A.; Smirnov, Mikhail; Raz, Danny; Uryupina, Olga; Mozo, Alberto; Ordozgoiti, Bruno; O'Sullivan, Pat; Mullins, Robert |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
A proof-of-concept for semantically interoperable federation of IoT experimentation facilities Lanza, Jorge; Sanchez, Luis; Gomez, David; Elsaleh, Tarek; Steinke, Ronald; Cirillo, Flavio |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 |
Towards adoption of software defined wireless backhaul networks Aliu, Osianoh Glenn; Hadzic, Senka; Niephaus, Christian; Kretschmer, Mathias |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Motives to standardize. Empirical evidence from Germany Blind, Knut; Mangelsdorf, Axel |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 |
Challenges in investing into alerting systems under budgetary and geographical constraints Klafft, Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Deriving HD maps for highly automated driving from vehicular probe data Massow, Kay; Kwella, Birgit; Pfeifer, Niko; Häusler, Florian; Pontow, Jens; Radusch, Ilja; Hipp, Jochen; Dölitzscher, Frank; Haueis, Martin |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Toward a fully cloudified mobile network infrastructure Sousa, Bruno; Cordeiro, Luis; Simões, Paulo; Edmonds, Andy; Ruiz, Santiago; Carella, Giuseppe; Corici, Marius; Nikaen, Navid; Gomes, Andre S.; Schiller, Eryk; Braun, Torsten; Bohnert, Thomas M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 |
Gaining certainty about uncertainty: Testing for uncertainties of cyber-physical systems at the application level Schneider, Martin; Wendland, Marc-Florian; Bornemann, Leon |
Vortrag Presentation |
2016 |
Towards a cross-domain infrastructure to support electronic identification and capability lookup for cross-border ePrescription/patient summary services Kathehakis, Dimitrios G.; Masi, Massimiliano; Wisniewski, Francois; Bittins, Sören |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
The ubiquitous semantic web: Promises, progress and challenges Li, Y.-F.; Pan, J.Z.; Krishnaswamy, S.; Hauswirth, M.; Nguyen, H.H. |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2016 |
Barriers to open e-learning in public administrations: A comparative case study of the European countries Luxembourg, Germany, Montenegro and Ireland Stoffregen, Julia D.; Pawlowski, Jan M.; Ras, Eric; Tobias, Eric; Scepanovic, Snezana; Fitzpatrick, Dónal; Mehigan, Tracey; Steffens, Petra; Pruygoda, Christiane; Schilling, Peter; Friedrich, Horst; Moebs, Sabine |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 |
Emotion level sentiment analysis: The affective opinion evaluation Almashraee, M.; Monett, D.; Paschke, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Tretlagervorrichtung, Fahrrad mit mindestens einer Tretlagervorrichtung und System zur Lokalisierung mindestens eines Fahrrades Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Rennoch, Axel; Hoffmann, Andreas; Günther, Dirk de |
Patent |
2016 |
FNS und TU Berlin stellen Ergebnisse der vierten Befragungsrunde des Deutschen Normungspanels (DNP) mit Fokus auf Digitalisierung vor Blind, Knut; Müller, Jo-Ann |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 |
Semantic-based management of federated infrastructures for future internet experimentation Willner, Alexander |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis |
2016 |
Runtime verification of railway applications with extended live sequence charts Chai, Ming |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis |
2016 |
Efficient exploitation of mobile edge computing for virtualized 5G in EPC architectures Cau, Eleonora; Corici, Marius; Bellavista, Paolo; Foschini, Luca; Carella, Giuseppe; Edmonds, Andy; Bohnert, Thomas Michael |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Testing the Internet of Things Felderer, Michael; Schieferdecker, Ina |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Resilient orchestration of Service Functions Chains in a NFV environment Medhat, Ahmed M.; Carella, Guiseppe; Pauls, Michael; Monachesi, Marcello; Corici, Marius; Magedanz, Thomas |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Mobile Sensing von Umweltdaten zur Unterstützung der Indoor-Navigation am Beispiel U-Bahn Fuchs-Kittowski, Frank; Faust, Daniel; Gruner, Christian; Kärner, Robert; Tash, Sascha |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
AppHub - The European open source market place Deussen, P.H.; Ghamsari, M.S.; Lefebvre, A.; Richard, A.; Thomas, C.; Bouzereau, O.; Nuel, C. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Collaborative embedded systems - a case study Schlingloff, Bernd-Holger; Stubert, Henry; Jamroga, Wojciech |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
M4GUIDE Verbundprojekt. Mobile multi-modal mobility guide. Indoor-Ortung und Zielführung Schmidt, Matthias |
Bericht Report |
2016 |
More labour market flexibility for more innovation? Evidence from employer-employee linked micro data Wachsen, E.; Blind, K. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 |
The impact of regulation on innovation Blind, Knut |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2016 |
Smart procurement of naturally generated energy (SPONGE) for PHEVs Gu, Y.; Häusler, F.; Griggs, W.; Crisostomi, E.; Shorten, R. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 |
Information and interaction needs of vulnerable groups with regard to disaster alert apps Klafft, Michael; Reinhardt, Niklas |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Can machine learning aid in delivering new use cases and scenarios in 5G? Buda, T.S.; Assem, H.; Xu, L.; Raz, D.; Margolin, U.; Rosensweig, E.; Lopez, D.R.; Corici, M.-I.; Smirnov, M.; Mullins, R.; Uryupina, O.; Mozo, A.; Ordozgoiti, B.; Martin, A.; Alloush, A.; O'Sullivan, P.; Ben Yahia, I.G. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Standard essential patents to boost financial returns Pohlmann, Tim; Neuhäusler, Peter; Blind, Knut |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 |
Mobile Sensing zur Hochwasservorhersage in kleinen Einzugsgebieten Burkard, S.; Fuchs-Kittowski, F.; Pfützner, B.; Müller, R. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
The impact of participation within formal standardization on firm performance Wakke, Paul; Blind, Knut; Ramel, Florian |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 |
Plötzlicher Herzstillstand und der Beitrag zur Lebensrettung durch Crowdtasking-Apps Wurster, S.; Klafft, M.; Fiedrich, F.; Bohn, A. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 |
The impact of product piracy on corporate IP strategy Veer, Theresa; Berger, Florian; Blind, Knut |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 |
Computational Models of Argument |
Tagungsband Conference Proceeding |
2016 |
Personalized dynamic ad insertion with MPEG DASH Pham, Stefan; Krauss, Christopher; Silhavy, Daniel; Arbanowski, Stefan |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Blockchain. Trendthema 37 Welzel, Christian |
Buch Book |
2016 |
Test System Architectures using Advanced Standardized Test Languages Rennoch, Axel |
Vortrag Presentation |
2016 |
A Report on the Ninth International Web Rule Symposium Paschke, A. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 |
Digitale Governance - Ein Diskussionspapier Stemmer, Michael |
Bericht Report |
2016 |
Research and innovation challenges in data protection, security and privacy in the cloud Gallego-Nicasio Crespo, Beatriz; Prieto, Elsa; Rios, Erkuden; Rak, Massimiliano; Deussen, Peter; Samarati, Pierangela; Cascella, Roberto; Braun, Simons; Krenn, Stephan; Lörunser, Thomas |
Bericht Report |
2016 |
Grand challenge: In-Memory indexation of event streams Hasan, A.; Paschke, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Provalets: Component-based mobile agents as microservices for rule-based data access, processing and analytics Paschke, A. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 |
A terminology service supporting semantic annotation, integration, discovery and analysis of interdisciplinary research data Karam, Naouel; Müller-Birn, Claudia; Gleisberg, Maren; Fichtmüller, David; Tolksdorf, Robert; Güntsch, Anton |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 |
Abgesicherte und nachweisliche Qualität für IoT-Lösungen Schieferdecker, Ina |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 |
Challenges in designing and distributing a not for profit first aid app worldwide Klafft, Michael; Said, Maurice; Anson, Susan; Watson, Hayley; Hughes, Amanda; Lukau, Eridy |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Prototyping smart city applications over large scale M2M testbed Mukudu, Nyasha; Ventura, Neco; Mwangama, Joyce; Elmangoush, Asma; Steinke, Ronald; Magedanz, Thomas |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Systematic analysis of practical issues in test automation for communication based systems Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Schneider, Martin; Schieferdecker, Ina |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Indoor localization of vehicles using Deep Learning Kumar, Anil Kumar Tirumala Ravi; Schäufele, Bernd; Becker, Daniel; Sawade, Oliver; Radusch, Ilja |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Blurring the border between real and virtual parking environments Becker, Daniel; Munjere, Andrew; Einsiedler, Jens; Massow, Kay; Thiele, Fabian; Radusch, Ilja |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
CREDENTIAL: A framework for privacy-preserving cloud-based data sharing Hörandner, Felix; Krenn, Stephan; Migliavacca, Andrea; Thiemer, Florian; Zwattendorfer, Bernd |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
IoT inter-security domain trust transfer and service dispatch solution Corici, Andreea Ancuta; Emmelmann, Marc; Luo, Jingjing; Shresta, Ranjan; Corici, Marius; Magedanz, Thomas |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Digitalisierung des Öffentlichen Hoepner, Petra; Weber, Mike; Tiemann, Jens; Welzel, Christian; Goldacker, Gabriele; Stemmer, Michael; Weigand, Florian; Fromm, Jens; Opiela, Nicole; Henckel, Lutz |
Bericht Report |
2016 |
Variant management and reuse Schaefer, Ina; Heuer, André; Jäger, Tobias; Kaufmann, Tobias; Manz, Christian; May, Reinhold; Reuter, Christian; Rumpe, Bernhard; Schlingloff, Holger; Schröck, Sebastian; Schulze, Christoph; Schulze, Michael; Weißleder, Stephan |
Aufsatz in Buch Book Article |
2016 |
Weaving ontology aspects using a catalog of structural ontology design patterns Schäfermeier, R.; Paschke, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Public IOT - das Internet der Dinge im öffentlichen Raum |
Bericht Report |
2016 |
Starting by Starting! Fortschritt im europäischen Open Data Strategieprozess durch das neue Europäische Datenportal Cuno, Silke; Flügge, Matthias; Dittwald, Benjamin |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 |
9th International Conference Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences, SWAT4LS 2016. Proceedings. Online resource |
Tagungsband Conference Proceeding |
2016 |
Enriching topic models with DBpedia Todor, A.; Lukasiewicz, W.; Athan, T.; Paschke, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Cross-platform ad-insertion using HbbTV and MPEG-DASH Seeliger, Robert; Silhavy, Daniel; Pham, Stefan; Arbanowski, Stefan |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Managing portfolio risk in strategic technology management: Evidence from a panel data-set of the world's largest R&D performers Neuhäusler, Peter; Schubert, Torben; Frietsch, Rainer; Blind, Knut |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 |
A Dialogue between a Lawyer and Computer Scientist Ramakrishna, S.; Górski, L.; Paschke, A. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 |
Semantic interoperability for the web of things Bassbouss, Louay; Bauer, Martin; Ben Alaya, Mahdi; Bhowmik, Rajdeep; Chakraborty, Rabindra; Dadas, Mohammed; Davies, John; Diab, Wael; Drira, Khalil; Eastham, Bryant; El Kaed, Charbel; Elloumi, Omar; Girod-Genet, Marc; Hernandez, Nathalie; Hoffmeister, Michael; Jiménez, Jaime; Kanti Datta, Soumya; Khan, Imran; Kim, Dongjoo; Kraft, Andreas; Logvinov, Oleg; Longstreth, Terry; Martigne, Patricia; Mladin, Catalina; Monteil, Thierry; Murdock, Paul; Nappey, Philippé; Raggett, Dave; Roes, Jasper; Serrano, Martin; Seydoux, Nicolas; Simmon, Eric; Subramaniam, Ravi; Swetina, Joerg; Underwood, Mark; Wang, Chonggang; Whitehead, Cliff; Zhang, Yongjing |
Internetbeitrag Internet Contribution |
2016 |
5G. Trendthema 41 Tiemann, Jens |
Buch Book |
2016 |
On the Use of Provalets in a Predictive Maintenance Use Case Paschke, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Coverage and diversity aware Top-k query for spatio-temporal posts Mehta, P.; Skoutas, D.; Sacharidis, D.; Voisard, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Towards executable UML interactions based on fUML Wendland, Marc-Florian |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
System monitoring with a five-valued LTL Chai, M.; Schlingloff, B.-H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 |
Supervised speech act classification of messages in german online discussions Bayat, Berken; Krauss, Christopher; Merceron, Agathe; Arbanowski, Stefan |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 |
Rules and RDF streams: A position paper Anderson, J.; Athan, T.; Paschke, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
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