Fraunhofer FOKUS at HbbTV Symposium 2015
News from Nov. 11, 2015
The 4th HbbTV Symposium 2015 takes place from December 8 to 9 in London. Fraunhofer FOKUS contributes with HbbTV related solutions: HbbTV Application Toolkit, Companion Screen and 360° Video Playout for HbbTV.
From December 8 to 9, 2015, the HbbTV association and the DTG association invite to the 4th HbbTV Symposium in London. The event is popular for leaders from the HbbTV community to network and keep up with new developments in the market. This year's focus lies on the developments of new continents and countries adopting HbbTV includig Africa, Asia, New Zealand and Japan. Fraunhofer FOKUS Competence Center FAME takes part with the following HbbTV related solutions: Companion Screen, HbbTV Application Toolkit and 360° Video Playout for HbbTV.
With the HbbTV Application Toolkit (HAT) Fraunhofer FOKUS presents a CMS which allows content editors to create HbbTV applications without specific technical skills. Through the editor UI, content creators can access a collection of themes and templates that offer interactive video and photo gallery, text, menus, social media and companion screen support. Thus, HAT has the potential to create new markets for developers and technology providers.
The Fraunhofer FOKUS 360° Video Playout makes it possible to watch 360° Video content on HbbTV. Users can navigate the video by remote control or a mobile device, which is connected to the TV over the Fraunhofer FOKUS Multiscreen Application Framework, a HbbTV 2.0 conform companion screen implementation.