NGNI, Headerbild Events, FUSECO Forum
Nov. 9–10, 2017 – Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin, Germany


Getting Digital Infrastructures Ready for 5G

- First Experiences and the Way Forward

Last year's edition of the FOKUS FUSECO Forum was attended by more than 220 delegates from over 30 nations and brought together international network operators, manufacturers and researchers to discuss the ICT infrastructures needed for the upcoming 5G network systems as well as the Industrial Internet. This year we will look at the benefits and risks of this emerging disruptively agile network and service environment driven by the integration of existing and new access network technologies, new software paradigms like edge computing, network virtualization, network slicing, and programmable 5G Core networks. Together with leading operators, manufacturers, integrators as well as various solution providers we want to assess ongoing technologies and business proofs of concept and related 5G testbeds around the globe.

This year's event will again feature three dedicated tracks consisting of tutorials and interactive workshops on the first day, namely 

1. Multi-access Network Technologies in 5G-Ready Networks

2. 5G Edge and Core Software Networks and Emerging 5G Applications

3. Network Virtualization and Network Slicing for 5G-Ready Networks

The second day features a full-day conference uniting these topics under one umbrella “The 5G Reality Check: 5G-Ready Applications and Technological Enablers for 5G Implementation”.

As usual we will show the newest prototypes developed within the 5G Berlin Testbed and also show first applications in the Berlin 5G Testfield Initiative driven by the Senate of Berlin.

Organized and hosted by:
Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS

Berlin, Germany, November 9-10, 2017

Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS

Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31
10589 Berlin

Prof. Dr. Thomas Magedanz, TU Berlin/Fraunhofer FOKUS

Related Links:

Call for 5G-Ready Hot Topics from Vertical Industries and Operator Speakers

The FOKUS FUSECO Forum is an event series featuring technical discussions among international experts about key industry requirements and ready-to-deploy technologies within new 5G-ready infrastructures and solutions.

In order to assure that the FOKUS FUSECO Forum program is covering the most recent and relevant topics for the 5G industry, we still allow to include talks on practical experiences and PoCs with the related 5G-ready applications and enabling technologies. Those talks have to be presented by operators and major solution providers.

Vendors are welcome to talk within a sponsorship package.

Note that this is not an academic Call for Papers in which scientific papers have to be submitted and will be evaluated. For this please consult the IEEE NFV/SDN conference workshops which are still looking for submissions.

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