NGNI, Headerbild Events, FUSECO Forum
Nov. 9–10, 2017 – Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin, Germany

Day 2 - Friday, Nov 10, 2017 - Conference

9.00 - 17.30 Conference

The 5G Reality Check: 5G-Ready Applications and Technological Enablers for 5G Implementation

After the 5G hype during the last two years, the 5G community this year has turned to realism and has moved into the working mode in order to fine-tune the various expectations and to map this onto the emerging enabling technologies and to identify the deltas to be addressed by the international standardization and emerging 5G testbeds around the globe. This conference will unite the previous day’s track workshops under a common theme in order to allow fruitful discussions beyond the rim of the different but related technology domains within this environment of high agility and innovations. As usual we want get a realistic snapshot of the global state of play towards 5G.

9.00 - 9.30 Welcome

Prof. Thomas Wiegand, Fraunhofer HHI & Prof. Thomas Magedanz, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany

StS Christian Rickerts, Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises, Berlin, Germany 

5G as Key Enabler for the Gigabit Society Implementation
Frank Krüger, Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, Germany

9.30 - 9.45 Platinum Sponsor Keynote

Meeting the Technical and Commercial Challenges Facing the 5G Industry with Silicon, Systems and Software

Colin Alexander, Arm, USA

9.45 - 10.45 session 1

5G-Ready Use Cases from the Verticals Perspective

Chair: Prof. Slawomir Stanczak, TU Berlin/Fraunhofer HHI, Germany

In this session we want to obtain from vertical industry experts in the Automotive, Energy, and the Industrial Internet domain realistic requirements on emerging 5G infrastructures.

5G Expectations from the Manufacturing Industry
Dr. Andreas Müller, Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany

IIC Views on 5G and Edge Computing
Stephen J. Mellor, Industrial Internet Consortium, Australia

5G for Automated Driving 2.0
Dr. Thorsten Hehn, Volkswagen Group Digitalization, Germany

session 1 panel

What Are the Real Needs for 5G Infrastructures? Do We Have to Wait for 5G?

  • Does a vertical need an own customized 5G network or would it be happy with a shared standard 5G network?
  • Do we need to wait for 5G NR or could we start with LTE+ and other access networks?
  • Are the verticals happy with the current 5G infrastructure establishment, or is it to slow?
  • Questions from the audience

Dr. Andreas Müller, Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany
Stephen J. Mellor, Industrial Internet Consortium, Australia
Dr. Thorsten Hehn, Volkswagen Group Digitalization, Germany
Jürgen Heiles, AIOTI, Germany
Dr. Angelo Corsaro, ADLINK Technology Inc., on behalf of OpenFog Consortium

10.45 - 11.15 Coffee break & Demos

11.15 - 13.00 session 2

Operator 5G Use Case Visions and Global 5G Standardization

Chair: Prof. Alex Galis, University College London, UK

In this session we want to obtain from leading Operators realistic views on what 5G infrastructures will be able to deliver to various application domains. In addition, we will gain an overview of the status quo of global 5G standardization. Also, we want to discuss potential evolution steps to be taken from today towards full 5G infrastructure in 2020 and beyond.

5G for Automotive
Dr. Ralf Irmer, Vodafone, Germany

5G System Development and Use-Case Trials 
Dr. Fumio Watanabe, KDDI Research, Japan

Towards 5G Development in Taiwan
Li-Fung Chang, DoIT/MOEA, Taiwan

A snapshot on International 5G Standardization
Dr. Leo Lehmann, ITU-T, Switzerland

3GPP’s 5G Standardization Roadmap and Progress
Dr. Frank Mademann, Huawei, 3GPP Architecture WG Chairman, Germany

An Overview of GSMA Network Slicing
Dr. Nico Bayer, Deutsche Telekom on behalf of GSMA, Germany

Joint panel

Matching 5G Demands and Offers and What Are Potentially Driving Business Models

  • Are all important 5G aspects under standardization?
  • Are the ongoing standards on track?
  • Are driving vertical needs clear? What are the driving verticals for 5G?
  • Will the 5G eco system look much different from the 4G ecosystem?
  • Questions from the audience

Dr. Andreas Müller, Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany
Stephen J. Mellor, Industrial Internet Consortium, Australia
Dr. Thorsten Hehn, Volkswagen Group Digitalization, Germany
Dr. Ralf Irmer, Vodafone, Germany
Dr. Fumio Watanabe, KDDI, Japan
Li-Fung Chang, DoIT/MOEA, Taiwan
Dr. Leo Lehmann, ITU-T, Switzerland
Dr. Frank Mademann, Huawei, 3GPP Architecture WG Chairman, Germany
Dr. Nico Bayer, Deutsche Telekom on behalf of GSMA, Germany

13.00 - 14.00 Lunch & DemoS

14.00 - 15.30 Session 3

Network Virtualization, Network Slicing, Edge Computing & Open Source

Chair: Prof. Paolo Bellavista, University of Bologna, Italy

In this session we will drill down into the key enabling technologies for realizing agile, softwarized 5G networks, looking at the progress and lessons learned in provisioning and managing customized virtualized networks, providing end-to-end network slices, and the standardization of edge computing nodes comparing booth MEC and FOG domains. Additionally, we want to reflect the increasing importance of open source software within operator commercial infrastructures.

ETSI NFV Supporting 5G
Bruno Chatras, Orange on behalf of ETSI NFV, France

Making DevOps possible in telco networks
Dr. Diego Lopez, Telefónica, Spain

Network Slicing Options
Tetsuya Nakamura, CableLabs, USA

NGMN White Paper Overview
Hans Einsiedler, Deutsche Telekom on behalf of NGMN, Germany

Edge Computing Status Quo
Sami Kekki, Huawei on behalf of ETSI MEC

Session 3 Panel

Practical Experiences in Migrating to Virtualized Networks and Open Issues to be Mastered to Enable 5G

  • Lessons learned from completed experiences on softwarized 5G networks:
    which primary technical challenges still to be solved?
  • Lessons learned from completed experiences on softwarized 5G networks:
    which regulatory issues to be faced?
  • Standardization of edge computing nodes is crucial for leveraging the associated market.
    Which is the state-of-the-art?
  • Standardization of edge computing nodes:
    convergence or not of MEC and FOG domains?
  • Most people “publicly” agree on the relevance of open source sw within operator commercial infrastructures...
    Anecdotes about whether it's really true? Counter-examples?
  • Open source sw within operator commercial infrastructures:
    which aspects and features are still missing or inadequate?

Bruno Chatras, Orange on behalf of ETSI NFV, France

Dr. Diego Lopez, Telefónica, Spain

Dr.  Andres Javier Gonzalez, Telenor, Norway

Tetsuya Nakamura, CableLabs, USA

Hans Einsiedler, Deutsche Telekom on behalf of NGMN, Germany

Sami Kekki, Huawei on behalf of ETSI MEC 

15.30 - 16.00 Coffee Break & Demos

16.00 - 17.20 Session 4

5G Testbeds, Proofs of Concept & Open Source as Catalyst

Chair: Ivan Seskar, Rutgers University, USA

In this Session we receive an update on recent 5G technology and service PoCs and testbeds around the globe for verifying the ability of the technology to prove the promises. In addition, we want to reflect the role of Open Source developments of 5G-related enabling technologies to speed up the implementation of the new infrastructures and enable new innovative ecosystems. This session features many short talks and a final panel.

Discovering a Smart Path to a 5G-Rollout
Dr. Frank Schramm, Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises, Berlin, Germany

5G Berlin Testbed
Dr. Kim Mahler, Fraunhofer HHI, Germany

IEEE 5G Testbed
Ivan Seskar, Rutgers University, USA

Vodafone Trials
Dr. Ralf Irmer, Vodafone, Germany

Telefonica Trials
Dr. Diego Lopez, Telefónica, Spain

Taiwan Testbed Initiatives
Howard Tsao, DoIT/MOEA, Taiwan

5G Infrastructure Association (5G-IA)
Jean-Pierre Bienaimé, 5G-IA, Belgium

5Groningen: Applying 5G to Rural Areas
Peter Rake, Economic Board of Groningen, The Netherlands

Session 4 Panel

En Route to 5G? - Where Does Academia and Industry Stand Today with Realizing 5G?

  • What are the roadblocks for real “on the streets” testbeds?
  • How to cope with the “chicken–egg” problem: 5G Apps vs. enabling 5G infrastructure?
  • What is better: 5G-ready (e.g. LT, NB-IOT, etc.) vs. 5G NR Testbeds?
  • What endsystems do we see when?
  • How to get SMEs and startups early on board?
  • Which Segment will drive a testbed: mMTC, urLLC, eMBB?
  • What heading for: 5G consumer market vs dedicated verticals/enterprises
  • Questions from the audience

Dr. Frank Schramm, Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises, Berlin, Germany

Dr. Kim Mahler, Fraunhofer HHI, Germany

Ivan Seskar, Rutgers University, USA

Dr. Ralf Irmer, Vodafone, Germany

Dr. Diego Lopez, Telefónica, Spain

Howard Tsao, DoIT/MOEA, Taiwan

Jean-Pierre Bienaimé, 5G-IA, Belgium

Peter Rake,  Economic Board of Groningen, The Netherlands

Dr. Fumio Watanabe, KDDI Research, Japan

17.20 Closing & Farewell