Nov. 9–10, 2017
– Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin, Germany
OpenIoTFog: Local Prescriptive Analytics
Distributed Condition Monitoring and Prescriptive Data Analytics for Smart Factories
Undetected damages can lead to the destruction of machinery and can cause expensive downtime of the production process. However, data needed to monitor the condition of the systems might not be available due to media disruption or are not measured in the first place. Within this demonstrator we measure relevant information by attaching an external sensor (MEMS) and combine the new data with existing information (OPC UA + PROFINET) using a standards-compliant protocol (oneM2M). The merged data is then being analysed close to the device (Fog Node) and to avoid further damages the machine will be paused until given thresholds in the multi-modal information are met again.