NGNI, Headerbild Events, FUSECO Forum
Nov. 9–10, 2017 – Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin, Germany

Day 1 - Thursday, Nov 09, 2017 - Tutorials & Workshop

8.30 - 10.00 Registration

10.00 - 18.00 Tracks 1,2 &3 run concurrently

10.00 - 18.00 Track 1

Multi-Access Network Technologies in 5G-Ready Networks

10.00 - 18.00 Track 2

5G Edge and Core Software Networks and Emerging 5G Applications

10.00 - 18.00 Track 3

Network Virtualization and Network Slicing for 5G Ready Networks

10.00 - 13.00 Tutorial 1 

Machine Learning in 5G Radio Access Networks

Chairs: Dr. Renato Cavalcante, Prof. Dr. Slawomir Stanczak, Fraunhofer HHI, Germany  

1. Overview of machine learning methods for wireless networks
2. Potential applications of machine learning in wireless networks

  • Wireless computation for efficient machine learning
  • Efficient learning of sparse stochastic signals in communication systems
  • Optimal deep neural networks for sparse recovery

3. Distributed adaptive learning

  • Projection methods in communication systems
  • Consensus algorithms
  • Adaptive subgradient methods
  • Kernel machines
  • Applications (e.g. radio maps in wireless networks)
  • Beyond projections
10.00 - 13.00 Tutorial 2

Software 5G networks – understanding the 5G system

Chair: Dr. Eng. Marius Corici, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany

In the last year a very large push was made towards the proper definition of the 5G system, complimenting the radio advancements while addressing the specific requirements coming from the verticals. This tutorial concentrates on the analysis of this evolution from the perspective of access network integration, connectivity support, slices and customization, application integration as well as how the integration with cloud and with SDN systems is coming to life as well as of the impact and resulting standard impact of the various use cases.

Even though networks are implemented as software since a very long time, the current paradigm change seems to have a similar impact as the all-IP networks once had for 4G. Because of this, the development perspective for the new systems has to adapt and to integrate the paradigms coming from the IT industry while being able to answer to the specific telecom requirements.
This tutorial will address the topic in a coherent manner across the different networking domains as reflected in the current advancements towards 5G networks. After setting down the impact of “everything is software” and the specific functional responsibilities towards the 5G software provider systems. A detailed impact on the different areas of the 5G system is provided including radio, edge, core, backhaul, management and application integration.
Following, an assessment of the 5G system standards evolution is presented especially concentrating on the major differences from the 4G system as well as carefully analyzing the impact and needed customizations in order to be able to address the requirements of the different  use cases including extended mobile broadband and multimedia delivery, massive IoT connectivity, ultra-low latency and high reliability use cases, industrial communications, vehicular communication, satellite and wireless backhauls with specific new use cases and the corresponding architectural blueprints.
The tutorial concludes with outlining how the new software technology can be brought in a relevant manner to the 5G research and especially product development, the status of the current R&D and in general the maturity of the 5G ecosystem. Furthermore, the software toolkits and experimentation platforms of Fraunhofer FOKUS/TU Berlin will be introduced, namely Open5GCore, Open5GMTC, OpenSDNCore, the 5G Playground as enabler for demonstrations and hands-on know-how accumulation and comprehensive prototyping in the context of academic and industry research and the 5G Ready Trial Platform as the main vehicle for practical use case deployments and pilots towards the vertical markets.
The tutorial will cover the following topics:
  • Understanding the software revolution – the year 2017 perspective
  • Standardization advancements towards a 5G system including vehicular, critical infrastructures and IoT support
  • Integration with enabling technologies: SDN and NFV
  • Network management for 5G environments
  • Total convergence: satellite, machine learning and connecting any devices
  • Impact of the vertical markets towards the 5G system standardization
  • Best practice developments of software networks towards the R&D and pilot use cases.
10.00 - 13.00 Tutorial 3

Understanding the Network Function Virtualization transformation based on practical experiences

Chairs: Giuseppe Carella, Michael Pauls, Fraunhofer FOKUS/TU Berlin, Germany

With the evolution towards the 5th Generation of Mobile Networks, Software-based Networks are paving the way to the radical transformation of Network Operators' infrastructures. Moving from Hardware-based appliances towards Software-based artifacts requires a complete re-design of legacy network components. Virtualizing a Network Function using virtualization technologies can be easily achieved.

However, cloudifying (making it cloud-ready) a Network Function, providing modularity, scalability, etc., requires a re-design process. With the novel paradigm of everything as a software, Cloud Native approaches and Microservices architectural principles are influencing the way network functions are designed, developed and orchestrated across heterogeneous infrastructure resources. Virtualization as well as Cloudification of Network Functions is crucial for Next Generation Network Infrastructures.

Cloud-Native Network Functions requires a different kind of management system for being orchestrated. Having a common Management and Orchestration (MANO), as defined by the ETSI NFV, layer across different network operators’ Point of Presence  is crucial for having a single view of the infrastructure resources. Considering the increasing interest towards deployments at the Edge of the Network foreseen by the Multi-access Edge Computing and Fog Computing initiatives, requires flexible MANO systems for dynamically orchestrating resources. Legacy approaches are no longer suitable when moving towards virtualization. Novel technologies like OpenStack, representing one of the fundamental components in the Infrastructure as a Service domain, provides on-demand compute, storage and networking resources. However, those resources needs to be orchestrated in order to provide the required networking services. Last but not least, the always increasing momentum gained by containers technologies, like Docker and Kubernates, is paving the way to the so called Functions (or even processes) as a Service concepts. Executing functions when they are needed, provides innovative mechanisms for orchestrating resources.

This tutorial, will walk through those topics presented in a coherent manner. First of all, several use cases coming from the 5G and IoT domain will be presented. Network Slicing in 5G, Edge Computing, IoT, need to be analysed for addressing requirements at the infrastructure level. An overview about Cloud-Native applications principles and microservices approaches will be given. Those principles are the basis for building highly reliable network services in each of those use cases.

The tutorial continues moving towards the virtualization domain: a comparison between virtual machines (VMs) vs containers will be provided. In particular, the main focus will be on motivating the usage of VMs and containers for particular use cases. Technologies like Docker, Kubernetes, OpenStack will be presented and analysed.

One of the biggest part of the tutorial will be dedicated to the MANO domain, representing the crucial component in Next Generation Network Infrastructures. The requirements set by the presented use cases are crucial for understanding functionalities needed on this layer. The different components (Orchestrators, Managers) will be deeply discussed and analysed. An overview about the existing MANO technologies will be given: OpenSourceMANO, ONAP, Open Baton are just few examples implementing NFV MANO. A more detailed overview about Open Baton will be given. In particular, it will be highlighted its functionalities provided, and particular attention will be given to the design decisions which have driven its implementation. Its roadmap will be presented.  

The tutorial concludes with a hands-on session: bootstrap your virtualization environment in 5 minutes. People from the audience who would like to get started immediately, could make use of this session to bootstrap a NFV/MEC based environment on their own laptops.

In summary, the tutorial will cover the following topics:
  • Understanding the Network Virtualization transformation
  • Cloud-Native principles and microservices architectural approaches  
  • Virtualization technologies
  • Management and Orchestration for NFV and MEC
  • Open Baton as reference MANO framework
  • Bootstrap your virtualization environment in 5 minutes

13.00 - 13.45 Lunch Break & Demos

13.45 - 17.15 Workshop 1

​Multi-Access Network Technologies in 5G Ready Networks

Chair: Dr. Stefan Covaci, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany

Access Networks play a pivotal role in the emerging 5G ecosystem as enabler for the implementation of the highly-demanding 5G use cases and also for their ubiquitous delivery.

This workshop is presenting the challanges and achievements to date along different key dimensions like spectrum, architecture, technology and standardization as seen by the different stakeholders involved in the terrestrial- and space-provisioning value chains. Experiences from 5G Access Trials in several 5G-ready network deployments will be presented along with the roadmaps of the big and small players in the R&D, vendors' and operators' domains. The workshop will be concluded by an interactive panel discussion between the speakers and the audience.

13.45 - 17.15 Workshop 2

Building the 5G Environment​

Chair: Dr. Eng. Marius Corici, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany

This workshop brings together innovative perspectives from the network operators and standardization organizations towards developing the new 5G ecosystem, concentrating mostly on the 5G software system development and on the most rewarding R&D results up to the moment. The workshop aims to create new perspectives on the 5G system and to encourage new paths of development while aiming to respond in a creative manner to the foreseen challenges in the high-potential 5G networks. 
13.45 - 17.15 Workshop 3

Network Virtualization and Network Slicing for 5G Ready Networks

Chair: Giuseppe Carella, Fraunhofer FOKUS/TU Berlin, Germany

With the evolution towards the 5th Generation of Mobile Networks, Software-based Networks are paving the way to the radical transformation of Network Operators’ infrastructures. Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Network (SDN) technologies require a complete transformation of Network Operators’ infrastructures. Virtual Network Functions will be managed and orchestrated across heterogeneous and distributed datacenters.

On demand deployments of VNFs is foreseen as a way for lowering down CAPEX and OPEX. Management and Orchestration (MANO) tools are crucial for simplifying the way services are managed. The increasing usage of open source technologies in production networks is also paving the way to a new way of collaboration between network operators and VNF providers.

This half-day workshop focuses on providing innovative insights from the network operators perspectives towards transforming their network infrastructures for supporting Software-based Networks. The workshop addresses open issues and requirements which are currently faced by network operators while moving towards NFV-based infrastructures. Particular attention will be given to experiences gained in utilising open source technologies (OpenStack, Kubernetes, Docker, OPNFV, Open Baton, OSM, ONAP, etc) in their testbeds. Furthermore, the workshop will address particular use cases which are generated with the novel paradigm of End-to-End Network Slicing.

13.45 - 15.15 Workshop 1 | Session 1

​Multi-Access Network Technologies in 5G Ready Networks

Chair: Dr. Stefan Covaci, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany

The Global Move Towards 5G Between WRC-15 and WRC-19
Uwe Löwenstein, Telefonica, Germany 

Experiences from 5G Access Trials in Japan
Dr. Fumio Watanabe, KDDI, Japan  

The Added Value of Satcom Services in 5G
Stefano Agnelli, Eutelsat, France  

3GPP - 5GRAN, ETSI, ITU: current focus and roadmaps
Thomas Heyn, Fraunhofer IIS, Germany  

5G Bubble: Mobile 5G ground solution backed up by a SATCOM backhaul
Alexis Schops, Airbus, France

13.45 - 15.15 Workshop 2 | Session 1

5G Software Networks

Chair: Dr. Eng. Marius Corici, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany

This session will concentrate on the network functions developments towards the 5G environment including, radio, edge, core, application servers and content distribution.

  • Network mobility
  • Fixed-Mobile-Satellite convergence and femto cells
  • Edge networks 
  • Backhaul advancements into SDN world
  • Connectivity management and security 
  • Ultra-configurable core networks
  • Next generation of M2M networks

3GPP’s 5G Standardization Roadmap and Progress
Dr.  Frank Mademann, Huawei, 3GPP Architecture WG Chairman, Germany

Deep Dive in Sliced-Based Architecture for 3GPP 5G System
Hans Einsiedler, Deutsche Telekom AG, Germany

Cognitive Network Management
Imen Grida Ben Yahia, Orange Expert in Future Network, Orange Labs, France

5G Security: Advances and Remaining Challenges
Sander de Kievit, TNO, The Netherlands

13.45 - 15.15 Workshop 3 | Session 1

Management and Orchestration of Software-based Networks

Chair: Dan Pitt, MEF Senior Vice President, USA

Topics addressed during this session:

  • Best practices in management and orchestration approaches
  • Open challenges in VNF configuration management
  • The role of OSS/BSS in NFV environments
  • Practical experiences with virtualized network functions deployments (vRAN, vIMS, vEPC, etc.)
  • OpenStack/OPNFV and their role in future NFV environments
  • Practical experiences in migrating towards NFV-based infrastructures
  • OSM, ONAP, Open Baton, Tacker, Cloudify proof of concepts
  • ETSI NFV advancements towards containerization
  • ONOS/CORD/MCORD and their role in NFV-based infrastructures
  • Docker/Kubernetes as alternative NFV orchestration solutions

Huawei’s EASY O&M Solution in NFV Environments 
He Yubao, Huawei, Shenzhen, China

Open-Source and Production-Ready MANO. The OSM Path.
Dr. Diego Lopez, Telefónica, Spain

Prototype of Wireless Access Virtualization Using Open Baton
Kenji Shimizu, NTT labs, Japan

NFV Current Status and Remaining Challenges. An Operator View.
Dr. Andres Javier Gonzalez, Telenor, Norway

Paving the Way for NFV Interoperability
Silvia Almagia, Technical Expert, ETSI, France

SDN Usage in vIMS Architectural Framework
Tarek El-Basyouny, Deutsche Telekom, Germany

MEC Orchestration in NFV Environments
Dr. Simone Mangiante, Vodafone, UK

15.15 - 15.45 Coffee Break & Demos

15.45 - 17.15 Workshop 1 | Session 2

Satellite 5G Access Networks

Chairs: Maria Guta, European Space Agency, The Netherlands & Dr. Stefan Covaci, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany

This session will cover the following topics:

  • the Operators' Perspective: challenges and roadmaps in IoT/M2M and eMBB service scenarios
  • the Vendors' Perspective: big and small players
  • the R&D Perspective
  • the Standardization Perspective

5G SatCom State of the Art, Challenges and the Road Ahead – The European Landscape
Maria Guta, European Space Agency, The Netherlands

The GEO/MEO Operators' Perspective
Dr. Konstantinos Liolis, SES, Luxembourg 

The LEO/Cube/UAV Operators' Perspective
Alex Holvoet, LeoSat, USA  

Ground Segment Vendors' Perspective
Geert Adams, Newtec, Germany

The R&D Perspective: Meet the Challenges and Exploit the Unique Characteristics
Dr. Tomaso de Cola, DLR, Germany

15.45 - 17.15 Workshop 2 | Session 2

Use Cases and Applications of Software Networks

Chair: Dr. Eng. Marius Corici, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany

This session will concentrate on current initial directions, prototypes and deployments of software networks addressing the specific requirements of the use cases, especially towards the pragmatic approaches while addressing the specific use case requirements aiming to answer to the question what is a minimal viable product for each of the specific directions.

Internet of the Optic Radio Light: a new approach for indoor 5G communication
Adam Kapovits, Eurescom, Germany

World Class Service in Microscale Markets
Mike Fawkner-Corbett, Sure (a Batelco Group Company), UK

Unified Telco EDGE Computing Offers Potential Services Based on Today’s Technology
Falk Schröder, Detecon, Germany

Network Slicing: Challenges and Opportunities
Dr. Kashif Mahmood, Telenor Research, Norway

MEC: Cloud Evolution and its Challenges
JJ Wang, Manager, ICL/ITRI, Taiwan

15.45 - 17.15 Workshop 3 | Session 2

End-to-End Network Slicing

Chair: Tetsuya Nakamura, Principal Systems Architect at CableLabs, USA

Topics addressed during this session:

  • Architectures for End-to-End Network Slicing
  • Slice programmability, modeling, composition algorithms and deployment
  • Containerization vs standard virtualization
  • Resource sharing, isolation, and federation
  • Cross-slice management for end-to-end QoS
  • Proof of concepts in Network Slicing
  • Management and orchestration of network slices in NFV environments
  • SDN-based network slice management

Reconciling Network Slicing and NFV Constructs
Bruno Chatras, Orange, France

Network Virtualization as an Enabler for 5G – NTT DOCOMO’s Activities Towards 5G Deployment in 2020 and Beyond
Gerald Kunzmann, NTT DOCOMO, Germany

Slicing: End-to-end Perspectives & Trial Experience
Dr. Ruben Merz, Swisscom, Switzerland

The Evolution Towards an Autonomic Management Paradigm in 5G Networks – Self-Protection Use-Case Example
Pedro Néves, Altice Labs, Portugal

The Challenge to Automate the Management of Future Networks

Klaus Martiny, Deutsche Telekom AG, Germany

Slicing before 5G
Alberto Diez, CND, Germany

17.15 - 18.00 Workshop 1 | Panel Discussion

Multi-Access Network Technologies in 5G

Panel Chair: Dr. Stefan Covaci, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany

Dr. Renato Cavalcante, Fraunhofer HHI, Germany

Prof. Dr. Slawomir Stanczak, Fraunhofer HHI, Germany

Uwe Löwenstein, Telefonica, Germany

Dr. Fumio Watanabe, KDDI, Japan

Stefano Agnelli, Eutelsat, France

Thomas Heyn, Fraunhofer IIS, Germany

Alexis Schops, Airbus, France

Maria Guta, European Space Agency, The Netherlands

Dr. Konstantinos Liolis, SES, Luxembourg

Alex Holvoet, LeoSat, USA

Geert Adams, Newtec, Germany

Dr. Tomaso de Cola, DLR, Germany
17.15 - 18.00 Workshop 2 | Panel Discussion

Edge Computing and Flexible 5G Core Networking for Emerging 5G Applications

Panel Chair: Dr. Eng. Marius Corici, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany

Adam Kapovits, Eurescom, Germany

Dr. Frank Mademann, Huawei, 3GPP Architecture WG Chairman, Germany

Hans Einsiedler, Deutsche Telekom AG, Germany

Imen Grida Ben Yahia, Orange Expert in Future Network, Orange Labs, France

Sander de Kievit, TNO, The Netherlands

Mike Fawkner-Corbett, Sure (a Batelco Group Company), UK

Falk Schröder, Detecon, Germany

Dr. Kashif Mahmood, Telenor Research, Norway

JJ Wang, Manager, ICL/ITRI, Taiwan

17.15 - 18.00 Workshop 3 | Panel Discussion 

Practical Experiences in Moving to NFV Infrastructures and Open Challenges to be addressed

Panel Chair: Mike Fritsch, Telecommunications & Technology, Germany

Dr. Hideaki Ozawa, NTT, Japan

Andreas Kwoczek, Volkswagen AG, Germany

Daniel-Constantin Mierla, Asipto UG, Germany

Dan Pitt, MEF, USA

Tetsuya Nakamura, CableLabs, USA

19.00 Get-together