Test-of-Time award for a publication about distributed sensor networks
News from June 18, 2021
The scientific paper “Infrastructure for data processing in large-scale interconnected sensor networks”, written by Prof. Dr. Karl Aberer (EPFL), Prof. Dr. Manfred Hauswirth (Director Fraunhofer FOKUS and Chair for “Open Distributed Systems” TU Berlin) and Dr. Ali Salehi (EPFL, now Teradata) will be awarded the Test-of-Time Award at the IEEE Mobile Data Management Conference on June 18th.
The award honors publications that have been recognized as particularly outstanding and important for science over a longer period of time. The scientific paper, to which the director of FOKUS Prof. Dr. Manfred Hauswirth has made a significant contribution, describes a middleware approach for Global Sensor Networks (GDN) that (1) enables simple sensor abstraction, (2) enables simple sensor data integration and distributed query processing, and (3) supports sensor mobility.
The approach presented has proven to be very influential and visionary in the research area of wireless sensor networks. The publication has inspired many researchers to do their own research, which can be seen, among other things, in the very frequent citations.