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FAME Video Development Blog awarded

News from Mar. 21, 2022

The ACM Mile-High Video (MHV) presents an annual Best Video Blog Post Award. Among the 23 nominees, the post “Common pitfalls in MPEG-DASH streaming” by Daniel Silhavy, Stefan Pham and Mariana Avelino took third place this year. In their blog, the scientists from Fraunhofer FOKUS regularly report on the latest research results in interactive media applications.

The team led by Daniel Silhavy, project manager in the Future Applications and Media business unit, has been working on the blog since June 2019. “A large part of our daily work involves research and application of the latest standards and media technologies. Our blog gives us the chance to share our findings and results directly with the developer community. We are delighted about the award, and encouraged to keep investing a lot of work into the blog,” says Daniel Silhavy.

MHV is one of the leading conferences on video encoding and streaming technologies and has been held in Denver since 2016. Participants in the Best Video Blog Post Award were nominated in various categories, including video and audio encoding, streaming technologies, and standards and interoperability. Criteria for the selection of the best video blog post include relevance, impact, depth, educational value, and technical accuracy of posts.

This year, 23 video blog posts were nominated. First place went to Nicolas Weil with his post “Core technologies for streaming workflows”. The second place went to Krishna Rao Vijayanagar: “EME, CDM, AES, CENC, and Keys – The Essential Building Blocks of DRM”. Will Law with his post “Using LL-HLS with Byte-Range Addressing to Achieve Interoperability in Low Latency Streaming” and Daniel Silhavy, Stefan Pham, Mariana Avelino from Fraunhofer FOKUS with “Common pitfalls in MPEG-DASH streaming” share the third place. 

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