Forest Firefighting in Brandenburg with 5G: The ALADIN Project launches
News from Jan. 26, 2021
Within the 5x5G funding program of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI), the handover of the funding document for the ALADIN (Advanced Low Altitude Data Information System) project took place on 26.01.2021. The Federal Minister of Transport Andreas Scheuer virtually handed the document over to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Rüther-Kindel from the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau on behalf of the entire consortium.
The project aims to ensure safe forest firefighting through demand-oriented 5G networking of emergency forces and resources. By the end of the year, an initial nomadic, i.e. local and temporary, network is to be set up at the Schönhagen airfield in Brandenburg. The network will then be used to control unmanned emergency equipment and to monitor and secure the scene of operations.
The technology partner is Fraunhofer FOKUS. Researchers from the Software-based Networks business unit are building the nomadic network. The goal is to achieve a coverage of just under one square kilometer. The 3.7 GHz spectrum reserved for campus networks will be used for this purpose, as well as the software-based core network of Fraunhofer FOKUS, the Open5GCore, which controls the communication. Also, communication via a satellite is being tested in this network. This approach offers a lot of potentials, especially for rural regions with incomplete mobile coverage.
In addition to the Wildau University of Applied Sciences, the consortium consists of the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS from Berlin, the city of Trebbin and its municipal fire department, the Schönhagen airfield company, and the companies THOLEG Civil Protection Systems from Welzow, ReloConsult from Dreieich and Smart Mobile Labs from Munich.
TH Wildau is coordinating the project, which is being funded with almost €4 million. The project was initiated by the Brandenburg Economic Development Corporation (WFBB).