Dr. Nikolay Tcholtchev takes over a professorship for computer science
News from Apr. 03, 2024
On April 1, 2024, Nikolay Tcholtchev, Research Group Leader for Urban ICT and Quantum Computing, took up a professorship at RheinMain University of Applied Sciences. His work will focus on the application of information and communication technologies in the areas of smart city, smart country and smart region.
Dr. Nikolay Tcholtchev holds a PhD in engineering and a degree in computer science from the Technical University of Berlin. He has been working at Fraunhofer FOKUS since 2008. Prior to that, he worked within the software development in the telecommunications division of Siemens, Siemens Networks and Nokia Siemens Networks.
In 2019, Nikolay Tcholtchev received his PhD from the TU Berlin with the topic “Scalable and efficient distributed self-healing with self-optimization features in fixed IP networks”. As part of his dissertation, he dealt with the automation of network management and network control processes with the help of machine learning. His current work focuses on smart cities, telecommunications, quality assurance methods, data platforms, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and quantum computing.
Nikolay Tcholtchev has led many national and international industry and research projects at Fraunhofer FOKUS, including studies for the EU parliament. He is also a recognized auditing expert of the German Federal Railway Authority with a focus on IT security. In addition to various auditing activities, he was appointed in 2022 by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI) to the Science and Innovation Advisory Board for the implementation of the Register Modernization Act.