By MWS event partners and Fraunhofer FOKUS
Exhibits by our event partners:
- Bitmovin – Broadcast quality streaming video
- Qualcomm – MPEG-I Scene Description
- Broadpeak – This is streaming at its peak
- Appear – Appear better, faster, greener
- Nowtilus – Targeted Ads in Video Streaming
- anyscreen AI – AI meets TV
- Immersivecast – Photorealistic 5G Metaverse with Cloud VR
The exhibits by Fraunhofer FOKUS demonstrate the latest media solutions, latest technical information and hands on experience of various applications.
- FAMIUM 5G Media Testbed – Playground for your Media Services over 5G
- 5G-Victori – CDN enabled by 5G mmWave connectivity in a railway environment
- 5G-MAG Reference Tools – Building the 5G Media Distribution Platform
- FAMIUM DVB-I HbbTV Library – DVB-I & HbbTV support for Android
- FAMIUM Player – Based on dash.js and ExoPlayer
- FAMIUM ABR Testbed – Automated ABR testing for DASH and HLS media players
- CTA WAVE Tools – Test Suites for WMAS & DPC Specs and Conformance Validator JCCP
- FAMIUM SAND – Streaming Analytics for DASH & HLS
- FAMIUM Deep Encode – Content-aware Encoding for VoD and Live
- Digital Uniqueness Ecosystem – Media Uniqueness, Authenticity & Provenance

Broadpeak – This is streaming at its peak
We empower video service providers so they can stream the content people love with a compelling experience.
Broadpeak designs and manufactures video delivery components for Content Providers and Network Service Providers deploying IPTV, Cable, Satellite, OTT and mobile services.
Its portfolio of solutions and technologies powers the delivery of movies, television programming and other content over managed networks and the internet for viewing on any type of device. The company’s systems and services help operators increase market share and improve subscriber loyalty with superior quality of experience. Broadpeak supports all of its customers worldwide, from simple installations to large delivery systems reaching capacities of several million simultaneous streams.
Related Links:

Appear – Appear better, faster, greener
Where stories begin and memories are made
- Founded in 2004 by 11 former Tandberg Television employees, Appear now has 200 employees and customers in over 100 countries
- Appear better … with the highest quality implementation of compression standards that maximise the quality/bitrate ratio
- Appear faster … with the lowest latency platforms for high-speed video networking, enhanced IP security and advanced compression
- Appear greener … with the densest, most power efficient media processing and delivery solutions on the market
Related Links:

Qualcomm – MPEG-I Scene Description
A standard to power the Metaverse
- An international standard ISO/IEC23090-14 that is compatible with glTF
- MPEG-I Scene Description + glTF could be the HTML5 of the Metaverse
- A format for shared spaces and 3D content distribution
- Interoperability to prevent renderer and presentation engine lockdown and to enable open environments
- Extensible and flexible format with well-defined standardization procedures
Related Links:

Bitmovin – Shaping the future of video
Broadcast quality streaming video
- Encoding: Next-Generation VOD Encoder delivers the highest quality of experience with multi-codec streaming, Per-Title and Per-Shot optimizations, 8K and multi-HDR support.
- Player: Ensures you can deliver the highest quality of experience across the most extensive range of devices through our modular architecture, low latency features, configurable ABR and Stream Lab.
- Analytics: Increase viewer engagement and retention through actionable data collected across a variety of video players and fix playback issues before they impact your viewers.
Related Links:

Nowtilus – Serverside.AI - Monetize Your Videostreaming
Stream Personalization with targeted In-Stream Ads
- Inserts Video Ads into Live-Linear TV and VOD content on server-side
- Transitions buffer-less between content and ads on all devices
- Integrates in streaming workflows and drives ad-revenues
- Creates Linear OTT channels with broadcast TV experience
- Scales for large audiences with analytics in real-time
Related Links:

anyscreen AI – AI meets TV
Realtime recognition of people, content and attributes
- anyscreen TV as IPTV platform offers a comprehensive IPTV solution for network operators and media companies
- anyscreen AI delivers innovations in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence
For TV we enable realtime recognition of content and automatic evaluation and stream adaption:
- Ad detection
- Identification and quantification of advertising measures and brands
- Protection of minors
- Detection of adult content, including sexual content, violence and prohibited symbolism
- Authorization
- AI based end user identification via personal ID documents
Related Links:

Immersivecast – Photorealistic 5G Metaverse with Cloud VR
Why does Cloud VR lead to the real Metaverse instead of the Fortnite or Roblox?
- From Facebook to Meta story
- Challenge issues and solutions of VR
- Information flow and VR services
- Human vision system and VR
- VR Tech fundamentals:
- Resolution
- Optics
- Networks
- 5G Campus Network
- 5G E2E Network Slicing
- MTP Latency
- Computer graphics
- 6DoF Tracking
- Photorealistic 5G Cloud VR
- Target VR Service and QoE
Related Links:

FAMIUM 5G Media Testbed
Playground for your Media Services over 5G
- The testbed enables the development, testing, evaluation and demonstrations of Media Applications and Services operated within a 5G Environment
- Seamless integration with the MPEG Network Based Media Processing standard (NBMP) for leveraging processing capabilities and resources in the 5G Edge Cloud
- Network Assisted Edge Rendering enabled by 5G MEC, NBMP and taking advantage of the low latency of 5G connectivity
- Remote Media Production with sub-second latency for streaming professional content utilizing 5G Edge capabilities and WebRTC
Related Links:

5G-Victori – CDN enabled by 5G mmWave connectivity in a railway environment
Please mind the (air) gap - bringing at-home media experiences to public transport
- In the 5G-VICTORI project public broadcasters (RBB), communications (IHP), media (FhG), rail experts (PXI) and transport operators (DB) join forces to build an end-to-end system for managing CDNs embedded into railway vehicles
- Media pre-caching in combination with mmWave connectivity and 5G-based data showers can remedy that too a large extent
- On the “regular” internet CDNs carry the bulk of data transfer loads, but they cannot “just” be installed on trains or buses where bandwidth and storage capacity are limited
Related Links:

5G-MAG Reference Tools
Building the 5G Media Distribution Platform
- Open-source reference tools to support the implementation and interoperability of 5G Media technologies
- Validation and Verification of 5G standards, architectures, network features, APIs, etc.
- Used for demonstrations, trials and commercial services
- Implementation of components for 3GPP Rel-16 5G Media Streaming and LTE-based 5G Terrestrial Broadcast
Related Links:

DVB-I & HbbTV support for Android
- Lightweight library built on top of Android WebView, with no 3rd party dependencies
- Easy and seamless integration into existing OTT applications and DVB-I clients via well documented APIs
- Support of existing HbbTV applications targeting DVB broadcast environments without any modification
- Support of DVB-DASH for low latency live and on-demand streaming
- Deep integration with DVB-I and validated with ServiceLists from German public broadcasters
Related Links:

Based on dash.js and ExoPlayer
- Fraunhofer FOKUS is official maintainer of the open source dash.js reference player for the DASH-IF
- Extensions to Google's open source ExoPlayer
- Support for Web, SmartTV and Android platforms
- Demos of open source players in production
Related Links:

Automated ABR testing for DASH and HLS media players
- Testbed for evaluation of ABR behaviour in DASH and HLS players
- Different bandwidth trajectories are applied to automated player test runs
- Virtualized deployment of server components
- Streaming analytics via FAMIUM SAND
Related Links:

Test Suites for WMAS & DPC Specs and Conformance Validator JCCP
- Open Source Test Suites for the CTA WAVE Web Media API Snapshot specification (WMAS) and Device Playback Capabilities (DPC)
- Optimized for automated test runs on embedded devices
- DASH-IF conformance tool JCCP (a joint refactoring effort by DVB, DASH-IF, ATSC, CTA, HbbTV)
- Validation of content according to MPEG-DASH, DASH-IF IOP, CTA-WAVE, DVB, HbbTV and ATSC
Related Links:

Streaming Analytics for DASH & HLS
- In-depth video client session data and streaming performance metrics
- Analysis and troubleshooting of streaming issues in front of end users
- Cloud deployment of backend and dashboards
- Compatibility with open source, commercial DASH/HLS and HbbTV players
Related Links:
FAMIUM Deep Encode
Content-aware Encoding for VoD and Live
Content-aware (Per-Shot & Per-Title) encoding solution for live and VoD video streaming, leveraging artificial intelligence and computer vision methods
- Complexity & similarity analysis workflow extracts metadata like scene changes, color histograms, object classification
- Constant validation and retraining of the machine learning models to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the system
- Calculation of video quality metrics like VMAF, SSIM, PSNR
- Video codec agnostic approach
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Digital Uniqueness Ecosystem
Media Uniqueness, Authenticity & Provenance
- Verification of uniqueness and protection of Unique Digital Assets
- Watermarks for visual media presentations using steganography
- Validation of divisible ownership, rights, and history via extended Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT)
- Security and immutability according to the principles of ethereum blockchain and smart contract functionality