Nov. 13–14, 2014 – Berlin, Germany

Day 1, 13 November 2014 - FI-PPP Workshop

“Bridging the gap between Future Internet Research and Innovation”

An international workshop organized by XiFi - the capacity building project of the FI-PPP programme

Enabling Future Internet Research and Innovation already has given rise to a broad spectrum of initiatives worldwide. Initiatives like GENI (US) and FIRE (Europe) enable Future Internet research and experimentation by providing experimental ICT facilities predominantly targeting research communities. IGNITE (US) and the FI-PPP (Europe) programs provide platforms and environments for application development with stronger focus on innovation and business. In face of the current momentum to bring both worlds closer together in order to bridge the gap between Future Internet research and Future Internet innovation and business, the FI-PPP workshop brings together key players from FIRE, the FI-PPP, GENI, IGNITE, NSFCloud and the EIT ICT Labs.

The full day workshop intends to promote the European Future Internet – Public Private Partnership Programme (FI-PPP), to foster collaborations with related regional and international initiatives and to jointly discuss strategies for sustainability and commercial exploitation.

Main Goals:
  • to raise awareness of application developers and SMEs about available FI-PPP technologies, technology usage, FI infrastructures in Europe and funding/business opportunities of FI-PPP’s Phase 3
  • to attract operators and infrastructure providers to adopt and deploy FI-PPP core platform technologies
  • to jointly discuss with European FI-PPP infrastructure providers, FIRE testbed owners, the EIT ICT Labs, FI-PPP business accelerators and business strategy developers and delegates from related US initiatives:
    - synergies, options and strategies for sustaining Future Internet technologies and platforms
    - strategies for bridging the gap from research and development to innovation and business
Session 1 - 10:00 - 11:30

Future Internet Research and Innovation in Europe, the US, Canada and Asia

Chair: Florian Schreiner, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany

  • The Rise of Software Defined Infrastructure /
    Chip Elliott, Raytheon BBN, USA
  • Future Internet Research and Experimentation in Europe /
    Joel Bacquet, European Commission, Belgium
  • Platforms to enable innovation with SDN, NFV, and Cloud /
    Guru Parulkar, Stanford University,USA
  • The Future Internet Public Private Partnership, Introduction to the FI-PPP program as a whole, its relevance for Smart Cities and the European Future Internet /
    Jacques Magen, InterInnov, France
  • Smart City Experiences in the US Ignite Program / 
    Glenn Ricart, US IGNITE, USA
11:30 - 11:40 Coffee break
  • The EIT ICT Labs bridging the gap from ICT education and research to innovation and business /
    Udo Bub, EIT ICT Labs Research Director, Germany
  • New-Generation Network R&D in Japan /
    Nozomu Nishinaga, NICT, Japan
  • The NSERC Strategic Network for Smart Applications on Virtual Infrastructure (SAVI) /
    Alberto Leon-Garcia, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Next Generation Networking Research in Korea /
    Heeyoung Jung, ETRI, Korea
  • Q&A

Lunch break / Demos 13:00 - 13:45

Session 2 - 13:45 - 15:15

The final phase of the FI-PPP, Status Quo and Quo Vadis?

Chair: Jacques Magen, InterInnov, France

  • FI-Core and FIWARE Lab: Cutting edge technology for the development of innovative applications utilizing Generic Enablers of the FI-PPP Core Platform /
    Stefano de Panfilis, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, Italy
  • Status of FI-PPP’s node deployments, capabilities, utilization by Usage Areas and SMEs. /
    Maurizio Cecchi, XiFi Coordinator, Telecom Italia, Italy
  • Pan-European FI-PPP node federation /
    Federico Facca, XiFi Technical Coordinator, Create-Net, Italy
  • Delivering eHealth Services through FI-PPP technology /
    Stefan Covaci, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
  • Manufacturing Usage Area in the FI-PPP, Overview and Status Quo
    Oscar Lazaro, Innovalia Association, Spain
  • Networked media for social TV and smart city services in the FI-PPP, Overview and Status Quo /
    Robert Seeliger, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
  • Q&A

 15:30 - 15:45 Coffee break / Demo 

Session 3 - 15:45 - 16:30

FIRE and the EIT ICT supporting SMEs

Chair: Martin Potts, Director Martel GmbH, Switzerland

  • FIRE’s federation of Future Internet testbeds and its usage by researchers and SMEs /
    Brecht Vermeulen, Fed4FIRE, Ghent, Belgium
  • Lessons learned from OpenLab, the OneLab facility ready to be used by SMEs /
    Radomir Klacza, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Sorbonne University, LIP6 Laboratory & LINCS, France
  • How startups and SMEs can benefit from EIT ICT Labs and FIRE /
    Milon Gupta, Eurescom and CI-FIRE Coordinator, Germany
  • Towards sustainable Future Internet testbeds for Europe’s ICT Education, Research, and Innovation”, the FanTaaStic approach /
    Alexander Willner, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
  • Q&A
Session 4 - 16:30 - 17:15

FI-PPP’s Business Development Acceleration

Chair: Federico Facca, XiFi Technical Coordinator, Create-Net, Italy

  • “The Accelerator SpeedUP! Europe: supporting SME’s uptake of FI technologies, Status Quo and Quo Vadis” /
    Olaf-Gerd Gemein, Managing Director, Speed Up! Europe, Germany
  • The Accelerator FInish: supporting SME’s uptake of FI technologies, Status Quo and Quo Vadis /
    Christian Wolff, ATB Institute for Applied Systems Technology Bremen GmbH, Germany
  • Innovation in the FI PPP Programme /
    Alexandra Rudl, bwcon GmbH, Germany
  • Q&A
17:15 - 17:45

FI-PPP’s exploitation, commercialization and sustainability

Chair: Anastasius Gavras, Eurescom, Germany

Exploitation and Sustainability plans:
  • What are the exploitation plans for the Core Platforms, for the applications developed by the Usage Areas and by the SMEs?
  • What is the sustainability plan for the FI-Core Platform – where will it be available after the FI-PPP?
  • What are the exploitation plans of the Telecoms, IT vendors, big industries involved in the FI-PPP?
  • What will happen to the nodes of the infrastructure capacity, the FIWARE Lab and the FI-PPP early trial sites?
  • What kind of impact has been achieved / is expected to be achieved regarding standardization?
  • Which industries / sectors are benefitting / will be benefitting from the FI-PPP? How?
  • Are there already commercial products available / planned, based on the FI-PPP’s results (specifications / GEs / applications)
  • What will happen to the Core Platform / the Generic enablers after Phase 3? Will it be still available? If so, where? What kind of usage is expected (academic, research, industry)?
  • What will happen to the Special enablers after Phase III? Will they be still available? If so, where? What kind of usage is expected (academic, research, industry)?
  • What will happen to the applications developed in the FI-PPP after Phase III? Will they still be available? If so, where? What kind of usage is expected (academic, research, industry)?
  • Q&A
Maurizio Cecchi, XIFI Coordinator, Telecom Italia, Italy
Stefano de Panfilis, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, Italy
Martin Potts, Director Martel GmbH, Switzerland
Jacques Magen, InterInnov, France
Stefan Covaci, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Federico Facca, XiFi Technical Coordinator, Create-Net, Italy
Olaf-Gerd Gemein, Managing Director, Speed Up! Europe, Germany
Alexandra Rudl, bwcon GmbH, Germany

18:00 - 18:30 Departure of shuttle service to event location / demos 

19:00 Social Event