REuse and Migration of legacy applications to Interoperable Cloud Services
Sep. 01, 2010 to Aug. 31, 2013
Cloud Computing is nowadays considered as an instrument to reduce operating costs and computationally intensive applications. Offering software as a service in the Cloud is getting more popular and more attractive by the now existing range of Cloud environments. But in practice, the existing applications cannot be converted into a Cloud-Environment just like that. Therefore the use of Cloud paradigms for existing applications is possibly combined with extensive investments to the point of a complete re-implementation.
The REMICS project deals with the issues of migration of existing applications to a Cloud environment using MDE technologies. One difficulty of such a migration lies in the often difficult to be realized re-use of existing application. In the REMICS project techniques particularly for knowledge discovery are used and advanced. These allow to analyze existing applications and to transform them into models. Thereby the source code and the databases are analyzed. In further steps the architectural adaption and the partial re-generation of the application for the target environment are succeeding.
The System Quality Center (SQC) is concerned with the quality assurance in the migration process and the creation of an adequate model-based tool environment. The models gained during migration are checked and with the help of metrics valuated. Plus the applications migrated in the Cloud environment – for example in relation to their performance – are tested. In the project, two case studies are examined, in which the results of the REMICS project are applied.