Contact Person
Tom Ritter Kontaktbild Quadratisch
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tom Ritter
Deputy Director FOKUS
+49 30 3463-7278


Aug. 01, 2004 to Sep. 30, 2006

In recent years, the complexity of software has increased much faster than the productivity of software development. This has resulted in a growing gap between the demands of end-users and the solutions current methods are able to deliver. MODELWARE (MODELing Solutions for SoftWARE systems) aims to reduce this gap by exploting and capitalizing on recent scientific and technical advances known as model-driven engineering (MDE).

MODELWARE aims at establishing model-driven engineering (MDE) as the leading approach in software systems development by improving productivity.
The project has three major objectives:
  • To develop a solution based on MDE techniques, capable of delivering a 15-20% increase of software systems development productivity within 2 years
  • To lead the industrialization of the solution based on MDE
  • To ensure the successful adoption of the MDE solution by industry.

One of MODELWARE’s major deliverables is an open-source tool integration platform that facilitates the customization of MDE tool chains for domain-specific needs. In addition, MODELWARE develops and validates different MDE technologies and defines MDE-processes to improve take-up of MDE. Moreover, MODELWARE launched the Eclipse MDDi project aimed at developing an open MDE platform. Last but not least, MODELWARE also initiated and supported the annual European Conference on Model Driven Architectures-Foundations and Applications (ECMDEA-FA) with the support of the Object Management Group (OMG).

The consortium comprises 19 partners, including leaders of software-intensive industries, tool vendors, academia, and consultancy companies based in eight European countries:
Thales (France), IBM (UK and Israel), Schlumberger WesternGeco (Norway), France Telecom (France), Enabler Informática (Portugal), WM-Data (ex-Aprote) (Estonia), SOFTEAM (France), SINTEF (Norway), imbus AG (Germany), Adaptive Limited (United Kingdom), INRIA (France), ESI (Spain), Université Pierre et Marie Curie LIP6 (France), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain), University of York (United Kingdom), Fraunhofer FOKUS (Germany) and Zühlke (Germany).