June 01, 2016 to June 01, 2018

SAVIDO is a cooperation project by Fraunhofer FOKUS, Institut für Rundfunktechnik (IRT) and BitTubes. Its focus is on the development of a cloud-based platform that renders 360° video content for low capability devices. Latter aren't capable to process the necessary huge source video material without taking a considerable processing load for the view projection and rendering. The platform realizes high quality 360° video streaming without latency by rendering only the view selected by the viewer. It works for SmartTVs, HbbTV, mobile platforms and browsers alike. The view is selected via remote control, mouse or the alignment of the mobile device. Based on these information the audio playback will be adjusted as well to allow 3D Audio. Only the required video and audio output is streamed to the client. The object-based audio renderer by IRT converts the data streams depending on the device in the appropriate formats to, for example, binaural, stereo sound and 5.1 surround. Furthermore, BitTubes' interactive video player allows the annotation and modification of video objects and thus realizes an interactive 360° video experience. 

A related solution to this project is the Fraunhofer FOKUS Cloud-based 360° Video Playout for HbbTV. It renders the video content on server side and thus enables high quality 360° video streaming on low capability devices such as HbbTV. By integrating object-based 3D Audio and interactive capabilities, SAVIDO presents further developments on interactive 360° video for low capability devices. The cloud-based approach allows scaling for the downmarket.

To maintain and manage the content the platform can be integrated into the HbbTV Application Toolkit. This system allows editors to keep the content up to date without any technical knowledge.

Project Details

Duration: 2 years

Partners: 2 (Institut für Rundfunktechnik (IRT), BitTubes)

Fraunhofer FOKUS Role: Project coordinator

SAVIDO has received funding from the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) within the program “KMU-innovativ“.