Both 360° and 3D are video formats that offer immersive experiences to its viewers. The EU-project “Hyper360” aims to introduce a new Free View Video (FVV) format by developing a 360° media production toolset. With converging 360° and 3D, the FVV format extends current short film productions with novel and powerful storytelling opportunities. The final goal is to offer a complete solution for the OTT media sectors to capture, produce, enhance, deliver and consume this format. Video content will be offered with additional audio-visual functionalities and adapted according to the viewer’s preferences.
This will be achieved by the following tasks:
- Increasing the quality of 360° video capturing.
- Enabling the production of 3D narrative content, by capturing in 3D the narrator’s appearance and performance.
- Annotating 360° video with dynamic placeholder objects as well as media hyperlinks.
- Fusing the annotated 360° video and 3D storytelling into a new free viewpoint format.
- Implicitly extracting and modelling user preferences to personalize the viewing experience, both on the long-term as well as with respect to contextual circumstances.
- Recommending both converged media content items and content narrative cues
Hyper360 will be built on top of existing technological expertise on 360° video, most of which has been gained within previous European projects. Hyper360 aims to fuse the consortium’s expertise and innovate accordingly, addressing the IPTV and VR markets.
Project Details
Duration: October 2017 – September 2020
Project Partners: Centre for Research and Technology Hellas – Information Technologies Institute (CERTH) (GR), Drukka KFT (HU), Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. (project coordinator – IT), Eurokleis s.r.l. (IT), Fraunhofer FOKUS (DE), Joanneum Research (AT), Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (DE), R.T.I.S.p.A. – Mediaset S.p.A. (IT)
Fraunhofer FOKUS Role: Fraunhofer FOKUS leads the recommendation activities of Hyper 360 and is also active in the enhanced video playout activities. In addition, Fraunhofer FOKUS will provide technical support for the planned pilot productions.
This project is receiving funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 761934.