Robert Seeliger
Fraunhofer FOKUS, Project Manager
Talk: Workshop 1, Day 1, 13:30-18:00
Robert Seeliger holds a M. Sc. (Dipl.-Ing.) in Communication and Media Technology from the University of Applied Sciences in Jena. He received his diploma with the completion of his thesis about Next Generation IPTV at Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS in Berlin. In his subsequent employment as senior research engineer and project manager at the Business Unit Future Applications and Media (FAME) at Fraunhofer FOKUS, Robert Seeligers main research activities focuses on standardized IPTV in managed and unmanaged infrastructures, media interoperability in converged service environments, HybridTV and interactive Rich Media Services. Due to this work he is coordinating the technical development and improvement of the Hybrid TV and Future Applications and Media Lab - FOKUS' Testbeds for innovative hybrid TV and multimedia services. Robert Seeliger has published numerous papers and articles in international conferences and workshops.