8th FOKUS Media Web Symposium
Fraunhofer FOKUS organized the 8th FOKUS Media Web Symposium under the slogan “Deep Media - Personalized Media Services, Content and Information”. From the 21st to the 22nd of May, 2019, more than 200 international participants met to learn more about the latest developments in media technologies. The conference was accompanied by tutorials and workshops and various face-to-face meetings.
The FOKUS Media Web Symposium has been taking place since 2010 and has developed into an expert meeting for all topics related to video technologies. With this year's number of participants, 56 speakers, three tutorials and workshops as well as 16 event partners, the event was particularly successful.
During the two symposium days, new technologies, trends and economic aspects of media technologies were discussed. The event focused on the latest developments in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science for next-generation Media, Advanced Streaming Technologies, 5G, VR / AR / 360° Video, Dynamic Ad Insertion, Addressable TV, SmartTV and HbbTV. Another major topic was the standardization and market development of new media technologies.
The conference was accompanied by an exhibition in which the participants could inform themselves about the latest developments and solutions from Fraunhofer FOKUS as well as from event partners on the subject of “Deep Media”.
Special thanks goes to the supporters of the event: Bitmovin, Amazon Web Services, Google Ad Manager, Nowtilus, BitTubes, Nanocosmos, Norigin Media, Anixe HD, Berlin Partner, DASH-IF, WAVE, HbbTV, VR Industry Forum, W3C, Vaunet and Bitkom.
Around the 8th FOKUS Media Web Symposium, Fraunhofer FOKUS also hosted face-to-face meetings for working groups of DASH-IF, dash.js, VR-IF and W3C. In addition, the “Berlin Video Tech Meetup” was hosted after the conference on May 22nd.
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