Adolf Proidl
XroadMedia GmbH, CEO
Talk: “Why sharing views with an artificial intelligence is crucial”, Day 1, Workshop 2, 13:30-14:30
Adolf Proidl is CEO and co-founder of XroadMedia, a content discovery and recommendations service provider.
Since the mid 90ies Adolf has been driving innovation in digital video through roles in R&D, product and innovation management. He holds more than 30 international patents that enabled the first digital program guides, the first HDD and DVD recorders and the application of machine learning in consumer products, video on demand and targeted advertising systems. As as serial entrepreneur he cannot hide his passion to optimally blend consumer benefit, business value and technical feasibility.
Adolf has been member of the IEEE for 28 years, and is proud to have changed together with the Cambridge Consultants the way innovation is managed at Philips.