Day 1 - Tuesday May 16, 2017

 09:30 -10:00 - Registration, Welcome Coffee

Tutorial 1 - 10:00 - 12:00

​Internet Delivered Media

Trainer: Stefan Pham, Louay Bassbouss, Fraunhofer FOKUS

Foundations of Internet-delivered Media

  • Adaptive Streaming Basics

Web-based protected media delivery

  • Web APIs: MSE/EME, fetch(), XHR, WebSocket
  • Cross-platform deployment to, SmartTV, HbbTV, FireTV, Chromecast, AppleTV, iOS, Android, Desktop etc.
  • Codec, DRM and Cast support

Multi-DRM Backend

  • OTT Strategy
  • CPIX, PlayReady, Widevine, ClearKey

Advanced Web-based streaming features

  • OTT and HbbTV Ad-insertion
  • Low-latency streaming
  • ABR Metrics/ Client coordination

360° Streaming

  • State of the art: YouTube, Facebook etc.
  • Challenges: Bandwidth, Processing, Motion-to-photon latency.
  • Architectures: Cloud vs. Client vs. Hybrid Rendering. 
  • Projections: equirectangular, panoramic, cube, etc.
  • Web APIs: MSE/EME, fetch(), Canvas, WebGL, WebVR
  • SDOs

With streaming formats such as Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (MPEG-DASH) and HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), content providers can reach many devices (mobile, desktop, TV, etc.) over-the-top (OTT). The upcoming MPEG Common Media Application Format (CMAF) standard will enable interoperability between both streaming formats by leveraging the same media format (ISOBMFF).

In order to distribute premium content, Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems are needed to protect the media streams. A DRM system enables content owners to control content policies. However, using only one DRM system to protect the video distribution is not the optimal solution to reach the maximum amount of devices, since a platform or device is normally tied to only the vendor's DRM. As a result, a multi-DRM approach is required in order to protect content with more than one DRM system - the MPEG Common Encryption (CENC) standard enables this. Many components are involved in a multi-DRM backend, e.g. license server, encryptor or packager. The challenge is to ensure secure communication between these components, so that they can exchange sensitive metadata such as DRM licenses and encryption keys. This can be accomplished following a new specification named Content Protection Information Exchange Format (CPIX) by the DASH-IF.

An overview of advanced media streaming features such as ad-insertion, low latency streaming, client coordination and 360° streaming will be given. We will cover state of the art 360° streaming solutions, challenges, different architectures, projections and Web APIs. The tutorial will be supported by live demos.

tutorial 2 - 10:00 - 12:00


Current TV trends & SmartTV Platforms

HbbTV general 

  • What it is…
  • How it works…
  • Where it is…
  • The HbbTV History and Evolution of the Versions

Demonstration of App Development Workflows 

HbbTV Feature Overview

  • Summary of HbbTV 1.0 & 1.5 
  • Deep Dive HbbTV 2.0 & 2.0.1 

HbbTV Trends, Innovations and Future Developments

  • Linear Storytelling 
  • HbbTV to Portal Launch 
  • 360° Videos 
  • Ad-insertion from HbbTV 1.0 to HbbTV 2.0

This tutorial gives an overview on the current market situation of SmartTVs and HybridTV services in general as well as standardized technologies, such as Hybrid Broadcast Broadband Television (HbbTV), in particular. HbbTV Version 2.0.1 defines the technical requirements for the interaction of television and internet services in upcoming TV sets and Set-Top-Boxes. HbbTV applications may run in different modes: Broadcast independent applications are designed to run in the manufacturer's service portal.

In contrast, broadcast related app shall overlay the actual linear TV program. The hybrid standard combines both worlds: broadband and broadcast. In this tutorial we will discuss the fragmented technology stack – both on a platform level (variety of hardware manufacturers and middleware solutions) and on a service level (e.g. different browsers, interpreters, and services).

In a deep dive session, we introduce the current version HbbTV 2.0.1, its main differences to older versions and new features. For instance, HbbTV 2.0.1 provides a more advanced technology stack: offering primarily HTML 5, DOM 3 and CSS 3. In addition, many other features are leveraging this upcoming standard: e.g. Subtitles via TTML, Companion Screens, Discovery Protocols, Media Synchronization Mechanisms, WebSockets and Advertising approaches using multiple HTML5 media elements.

In parallel, we show practical examples of the introduced features, from innovations that are market ready or already deployed up to developments that will leverage future TV consumptions. Moreover, we demonstrate an app development life cycle using emulators and live test environments consisting of test servers, playout systems, and HbbTV compliant TV sets. 

12:00 - 13:00 - Lunch, NETWORKING, DEMOS & EXHIBITION

Workshop 1 - 13:00 - 18:00

Internet Delivered Media

Chair: Stefan Arbanowski, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany

13:00 - 14:20 OTT video delivery landscape

  • Evolving OTT Landscape in Germany
    Bernd Riefler – veed analytics, CMO
  • Cloud based TV
    Oliver Friedrich – Deutsche Telekom, Sr. Expert New Media
  • Addressable TV - Advertising and data approach
    René Wagner – smartclip, Technical Director Addressable TV and Data Platforms
  •  – Live TV streaming to the big screen: Forget the last mile, worry about the last meter!
    Johannes Deisenhofer  – EXARING AG, VP Video Distribution

14:20 - 14:50 – Coffee Break, Demos & Exhibition

14:50 - 16:10 HbbTV in the wild

  • HbbTV in the world
    Stefan Schneiders – IRT, GM sales & marketing
  • HbbTV Operator Apps
    Ali Teffahi – Freesat, Head of Architecture & Engineering
  • Effective test automation on HbbTV, SmartTV and game consoles
    Taras Perevorskyy – Suitest, Co-founder & CEO
  • HbbTV live streaming and measurement
    Alexander Leschinsky – G&L, Co-founder & Managing Director

16:10 - 16:40
– Coffee Break, Demos & Exhibition

16:40 - 18:00 Video delivery under the hood

  • Video Encoding at Scale with Kubernetes & Docker
    Christopher Müller – Bitmovin, Co-founder & CTO
  • Ultra Low Latency with CMAF
    Nicolas Weil – Akamai, Senior Enterprise Media Architect
  • Usage of DASH ABR for Low Delay Live Streaming in OTT and managed environments
    Thorsten Lohmar - Ericsson, Expert Media Delivery
  • NEMO BRIDGE – Video Workflow & Orchestration from the Cloud
    Leander Carell – nowtilus, Co-founder & Managing Director
Workshop 2 - 13:00 - 18:00

360° Video, VR, AR

Chair: Stephan Steglich, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany

13:00 - 14:20 Content driving VR

  • VR – reshaping TV
    Jan Thiel, A4VR, Co-founder & Managing Director
  • ZDF and VR, first Experiences and future Prospects
    Rainer Kirchknopf – ZDF, Distribution and New Technologies
  • Development of VR/360° live sport service
    Thomas Buchholz – Deutsche Telekom, Senior Expert New Media
  • 360& Project
    Maria Laura Simonetti – Mediaset, Head of Knowledge and Innovation Projects

14:20 - 14:50 – Coffee Break, Demos & Exhibition

14:50 - 16:10 VR tech and standardization

  • Mobile-powered Virtual Reality: Standards and Technologies
    Thomas Stockhammer – Qualcomm Incorporated, Director Technical Standards
  • Update on the W3C WebVR activities
    François Daoust – W3C, Media specialist
  • Web-based Signage in W3C
    Kiyoshi Tanaka- NTT Service Evolution Laboratories
  • 5G – the VR use case
    Christian Nord – Sony Mobile Communications, Head of Standardization
  • DASH VR streaming
    Cyril Concolato – Telecom ParisTech, Associate Professor

16:10 - 16:40 – Coffee Break, Demos & Exhibition

16:40 - 18:00 Delivering VR

  • Challenges of Encoding 360°, AR, & VR Content
    Reinhard Grandl – Bitmovin, Principal Solutions Architect
  • Efficient streaming of VR360 content: TiledVR and the impact of network latency
    Ray van Brandenburg – TiledMedia, CTO and Founder of TiledMedia
  • Becoming part of the Story: Interactions within 360° Videos
    Igor Fritzsch – BitTubes, General Manager
  • VR beyond 360°
    Thomas Bedenk – Exozet, VR Consultant

19:00, MAY 16, 2017 - Media Web Night @ ARMINIUSMARKTHALLE

Day 2 - Wednesday May 17, 2017

09:00-09:30 - Registration, Welcome Coffee 

9:30 - 10:15 - session 1 

​Conference Opening & Keynote „Hacking Media“ - Immersive Story

Opening by Conference Chairs: 
Stefan Arbanowski and Stephan Steglich

Keynote: "Hacking Media" - Immersive Story
Andreas Gall - Red Bull Media House, CINO

10:15 - 11:15 session 2 

OTT, the new normal?

  • Digital Disruption & Transformation in Sports – Bundesliga goes international
    Andreas Heyden – DFL digital sports, CEO
  • Goodbye 45s! - the drive towards lower latency in OTT
    Will Law – Akamai, Chief Architect – Media Division
  • Transforming broadcast into digital distribution
    Robert Dube – RTL interactive, VP Video on Demand
  • Building Media workflows serverless
    Glyn Smith – Amazon Web Services, Business Development Manager – Edge Services, Media

  11:15 - 11:45 - Coffee Break, Networking, Demos & Exhibition

11:45 - 13:00 - Session 3

OTT Standardization Panel

Session Chair:
Paul Szucs - Sony Europe, Senior Manager, Technology Standards Office

  • Standards for Global OTT Video: The WAVE Project
    Will Law - Akamai, Chief Architect – Media Division
  • OTT on the web platform
    François Daoust - W3C, Media Specialist
  • HbbTV  at „OTT StandardizationPanel
    Stefan Schneiders – IRT, GM sales & marketing
  • DASH & CMAF Standard Update
    Iraj Sodagar - DASH.IF / Microsoft, Principal Multimedia Architect
  • What's happening in MPEG and 3GPP on OTT?
    Thomas Stockhammer - 3GPP, MPEG / Qualcomm, Director Technical Standards

13:00 - 14:30 - Lunch, Networking, Demos & Exhibition

14:30 - 15:30 Session 4

VR - Virtual What? Is this the new 3D?

  • Blending Realities – VR on the rise
    Kay Meseberg - ARTE, Head of VR/360
  • How the VR Industry Forum furthers the adoption of high quality, interoperable VR360 services
    Rob Koenen - VRIF, President
  • Immersive Live Experience in Public Viewing
    Kiyoshi Tanaka
     - NTT Service Evolution Laboratories, Senior Research Engineer, Supervisor, 2020 Epoch Making Project
  • VR for the Masses – Multi-User Immersive Experiences in Modern Planetariums
    Tim Florian Horn - Zeiss-Großplanetarium, Executive Director & Director Zeiss-Großplanetarium

    15:30 - 16:00 - Coffee Break, Networking, Demos & Exhibition

16:00 - 17:30 Session 5

From Smart TV to Smart Media

17:30 - 18:30 - Networking, Demos & Exhibition

18:30 end of conference