Foundations of Internet-delivered Media
- Adaptive Streaming Basics
Web-based protected media delivery
- Web APIs: MSE/EME, fetch(), XHR, WebSocket
- Cross-platform deployment to, SmartTV, HbbTV, FireTV, Chromecast, AppleTV, iOS, Android, Desktop etc.
- Codec, DRM and Cast support
Multi-DRM Backend
- OTT Strategy
- CPIX, PlayReady, Widevine, ClearKey
Advanced Web-based streaming features
- OTT and HbbTV Ad-insertion
- Low-latency streaming
- ABR Metrics/ Client coordination
360° Streaming
- State of the art: YouTube, Facebook etc.
- Challenges: Bandwidth, Processing, Motion-to-photon latency.
- Architectures: Cloud vs. Client vs. Hybrid Rendering.
- Projections: equirectangular, panoramic, cube, etc.
- Web APIs: MSE/EME, fetch(), Canvas, WebGL, WebVR
- SDOs
With streaming formats such as Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (MPEG-DASH) and HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), content providers can reach many devices (mobile, desktop, TV, etc.) over-the-top (OTT). The upcoming MPEG Common Media Application Format (CMAF) standard will enable interoperability between both streaming formats by leveraging the same media format (ISOBMFF).
In order to distribute premium content, Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems are needed to protect the media streams. A DRM system enables content owners to control content policies. However, using only one DRM system to protect the video distribution is not the optimal solution to reach the maximum amount of devices, since a platform or device is normally tied to only the vendor's DRM. As a result, a multi-DRM approach is required in order to protect content with more than one DRM system - the MPEG Common Encryption (CENC) standard enables this. Many components are involved in a multi-DRM backend, e.g. license server, encryptor or packager. The challenge is to ensure secure communication between these components, so that they can exchange sensitive metadata such as DRM licenses and encryption keys. This can be accomplished following a new specification named Content Protection Information Exchange Format (CPIX) by the DASH-IF.
An overview of advanced media streaming features such as ad-insertion, low latency streaming, client coordination and 360° streaming will be given. We will cover state of the art 360° streaming solutions, challenges, different architectures, projections and Web APIs. The tutorial will be supported by live demos.