FAME at Medientage Munich 2016
Solutions on Virtual Reality, HbbTV, DVB-T and HTML
From October 25-27, FAME will exhibit at Medientage in Munich. Visit us at booth G1.
Together with Institut für Rundfunktechnik (IRT) we'll present an 360° Video-/Audio-App for HbbTV. It is a further development of the Fraunhofer FOKUS Cloud-based 360° Video Playout for HbbTV.
Furthermore, we'll demonstrate the following solutions:
- HbbTV 2.0 Companion Screen (with Silent TV function)
- HbbTV Application Creation Toolkit (HAT)
- Broadcast Probing System

360° Audio-/Video-App for HbbTV
The Fraunhofer FOKUS Cloud-based 360° Video Playout for HbbTV for HbbTV makes it possible to watch 360° video content on low capability devices such as HbbTV. The videostream is rendered on server side what allows high quality 360° video live streaming with low latency.
The object-based audiorender by IRT converts data streams for different platforms, e.g. to the formats binaural, Stereo-Ton and 5.1-Surround. The combination of audio and video rendering enables high quality 360° Video-/Audio-experiences on HbbTV as well as on mobile devices.

HbbTV 2.0 Companion Screen and Media Synchronization Framework with Silent TV-function
The HbbTV 2.0 specification introduces a number of new features that support companion screens and improve the synchronization of broadcast and broadband content. The HbbTV 2.0 CS and Media Synchronization Framework by Fraunhofer FOKUS implements these features. It offers a set of modules and libraries that allow the viewer e.g. to watch additional content on companion screens or to personalize audio tracks on companion devices and choose from multiple camera perspectives.
The Silent TV-function enables multiple viewers in a room to watch a TV program silmultaneously in different languages. Viewers select their individual audio content on a companion screen and listen to the audio stream by headphones. The Silent TV-function with audio- and video-synchronization can be easily integrated in existing HbbTV applications.
- HbbTV 2.0 HbbTVCSManager API
- HbbTV 2.0 MediaSynchronizer API
- HTML5, WebSocket
- Node.js, Android, iOS, Cordova

HbbTV Application Toolkit
Creating HbbTV apps made easy
- Fast and easy creation of programme-related HbbTV applications
- Provides a set of App templates tailored to the TV screen
- Content can be added via an easy to use web interface
- Supports HbbTV app developers by offering templates and modules like interactive video and photo gallery, text, menus, social media and companion screen support

Broadcast Probing System
Cloud-based monitoring of DVB-T/T2 networks
Our Broadcast Probing System offers cloud-based continuous near real-time monitoring of broadcast networks by utilizing massively distributed low-cost probes. Controlled either individually or in groups the probes are securely instructed to execute scheduled jobs like scanning, tuning and transport stream inspection. The collected spatiotemporal data links RF characteristics and stream quality (e.g. Signal levels, TS packet errors), multiplexed tables (e.g. AIT/HbbTV, EIT/EPG) and AV dumps to allow for live analysis, evaluation and integration into monitoring environments
Features and assets: