QUADRIGA data competence centre
Nov. 15, 2023 to Nov. 14, 2026
Problem/ Task
Scientists collect, utilise and generate data. The progressive opening up of science also allows researchers to access an increasing number of open research datasets and enables them to provide their individual research data digitally for subsequent use.
This new availability of very large amounts of data requires extensive expertise on the part of the researchers: This concerns the assurance data quality and data management issues as well as the management of data infrastructures, open data portals, data tools and methods. In addition, digital data science methods are currently developed and characterised very differently in various disciplines, such as the humanities or administrative sciences.
In order for researchers to be able to learn how to use digital methods in their everyday scientific work, application-oriented educational programmes are required – as well as open access to tools, infrastructure and learning resources. There is also a necessity for spaces that promote exchange and networking between scientists as well as for use cases that provide an insight into the adept and secure handling of digital data.
Solution/ Method
This is precisely where Quadriga comes in. The Quadriga data competence centre unites the four disciplines of digital humanities, administrative science, computer science and information science along the data types of text, spreadsheet and moving image at the science location Berlin-Brandenburg. Eight project partners (FU, HU & TU Berlin, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Film University Babelsberg, German Informatics Society, Fraunhofer FOKUS) create educational resources for the confident application of digital data, methods and tools – for researchers at all career levels – under the leadership of the University of Potsdam. The objective is to anchor a living digital data culture in everyday research. At the same time, QUADRIGA establishes meeting places for society, politics and administration to collect, process, utilise and analyse digital data.
Specifically, the basic disciplines of computer science and information science should enable the application domains of administrative sciences and digital humanities to develop digital methods for their specific questions and data types. To this end, the Quadriga concept brings together “research and learning centres” through a variety of “networking centres”: Based on case studies, relevant data sets, standards and methods are identified and developed in the research locations. Concrete educational programmes are then created and implemented in the learning locations. The aim of the educational programmes is to impart data competences to researchers within a disciplinary context as part of a location- and time-independent education in the “Quadriga Space” (Quadriga Educational Resources). These programmes are to be designed digitally and openly and map the entire data life cycle in a domain-specific manner.
The networking centres will disseminate the results and at the same time mediate between general data science principles and their application in the respective domains. Innovative formats of science communication and knowledge transfer identify scientific and social needs. In this way, QUADRIGA creates a place for co-operation and exchange within the scientific disciplines as well as meeting spaces for stakeholders from business and society.
Case studies
The Digital Public Services business unit at Fraunhofer FOKUS contributes their expertise in the management of open data and competence development to the project. As part of the research locations, Fraunhofer FOKUS scientists work with project partners to develop four case-related “Open Educational Resources” (OERs) on standards, methods and tools for the data type table in administrative science. One of the case studies, which serves as the basis for the OERs, is concerned with open data in urban areas. Fraunhofer FOKUS works closely with the National E-Government Competence Centre (NEGZ) to develop the case studies in the field of administrative sciences.