Fraunhofer FOKUS
Dense Urban Area
To test the efficiency of 5G as well as of nomadic deployments, opening up the environment to a massive number of users represents the first step.
The dense urban area deployment is meant to test a wider audience trial, using their own devices (which in their majority are LTE capable and could be used in a private environment only over WiFi)
- Providing 5G-like connectivity to today’s phones (5G over WiFi or LTE)
- Test network capacity with existing radio technologies
- The establishment of a wireless only infrastructure
- Assessing the live trialing with open access
The outdoor deployment is planned for the Berlin Festival of Lights 2019
- Non-3GPP (WiFi) access for the front-end to allow popular usage
- 5G specific authentication and authorization over WiFi (N3IWF and AMF)
- mmWave backhaul for wireless connected nodes
- A single-hop high capacity core network
- A comprehensive monitoring and assessment solution
- Live testing of security and reliability management features