Kilroy Hughes
Microsoft, PM Digital Media Standards and Strategy
Kilroy is an active member in several standards development organizations, including SMPTE, MPEG, DECE, 3GPP, and DVD Forum. He came to Microsoft in 1998 to help launch DVD on Windows. Prior to that he was a multimedia producer who authored over 250 disc titles on CD-I and VideoCD (including some of the first MPEG-1 applications), and developed interactive disc and television systems and authoring tools. His activities at Microsoft have included strategic planning pertaining to digital media, and participation in standards organizations including ITU, TV Anytime, AAF, ATSC, ATVEF, CableLabs, SMPTE, and DVD Forum. Most recently Kilroy has contributed to the Digital Entertainment Content Ecosystem's Common File Format specification (“UltraViolet"), and MPEG's DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) and the Common Encryption format for MPEG-4.
During the 20 years prior to joining Microsoft, Kilroy was CEO and founder of three corporations that manufactured electronic equipment, provided Foreground music on disc, cable, and satellite, and developed interactive video discs. He has a chemistry degree, was a nuclear reactor operator and researcher, a broadcast engineer, an electronics designer, a recording engineer, and a rock musician; and holds patents in areas of electronics and digital media.
Kilroy has published many articles in audio, electronics, multimedia, and television periodicals. Most recently he has contributed to specifying SMPTE Timed Text, the Common File Format and Media Profiles, and MPEG Common Encryption used by the UltraViolet video format, and MPEG DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming with HTTP) used to stream video over the Internet.