The FFF Series in a Nutshell
The first FOKUS FUSECO FORUM “Business and Technical Challenges of Seamless Service Provision in Converging Next Generation Fixed and Mobile Networks” held in October 2010 in Berlin (Germany) was concentrating mainly on investigating the challenges and potentialities of the new mobile and core network infrastructure and its relationship with IMS services and Over-The-Top (OTT) Internet applications and attracted 150 experts from 21 nations.
The second FOKUS FUSECO Forum held in the new Fraunhofer-Forum in the heart of Berlin on November 17 & 18, 2011 was themed “From FMC toward Total Convergence: New Applications and Platforms for Converging Mobile and Fixed Next Generation Networks and the Emerging Future Internet” and we looked at the impacts of these Future Internet advances on NGN infrastructure and service evolution. 200 people from 30 nations attended that event.
The third FOKUS FUSECO Forum themed “Convergence of Human-to-Human and Machine-to-Machine Communications within Emerging Open Smart City ICT Infrastructures – Using Open APIs, RCS, IMS, MTC, EPC, and LTE as Enablers for Emerging Future Internet Application Domains” was held again in the Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS in Berlin on November 15 & 16, 2012. We managed to attract 200 delegates from more than 30 nations and we looked much deeper at the enablement of Smart Cities by appropriate ICT infrastructures, namely IMS, M2M (Machine Type Communications - MTC), and OTT platforms above different mobile broadband networks interconnected by emerging EPC core networks.
The fourth FFF themed “Smart Communications Platforms for Seamless Smart City Applications” was held in Berlin on November 28 & 29, 2013 looking at Fixed and Mobile Next Generation Networks Evolution towards virtualized network control and service platforms and Seamless Cloud-based H2H and M2M Applications. Participation level increased again to around 250 participants from over 28 nations discussing Network Virtualization and Open Flow, cloud-based human-to-human (H2H) and machine-to-machine (M2M) service provision as well as recent WebRTC and HTML5 advances.
The fifth FFF themed “Cloud-based ICT Platforms and Virtualized Networks for flexible Ecosystem enablement within Smart Cities” was held in Berlin on November 13 & 14, 2014 looking at the impacts of Cloud technologies on all levels of Smart Systems ranging from emerging 5G and Software Defined Networks (SDNs) up to virtualized network control and Cloud-based Service Delivery Platforms supporting IoT/M2M as well as multimedia Web Realtime Control (WebRTC) Applications. Participation level was again around 230 participants from over 31 nations discussing new trends such as Network Evolution towards 5G, NFV and SDN/Open Flow; Internet of Things (IoT)/M2M; Cloud-based Networks and Service Platforms; as well as recent advances in the provision of Open Smart City Testbeds.
The sixth FFF themed “Digital Convergence and Seamless Connectivity for everyone and everything – Bringing 5G, SDN/NFV and M2M/IOT together” was held again in the Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS in Berlin on November 5 & 6, 2015. Around 250 experts attended this event where we looked at emerging 5G, Software Defined Networks (SDNs) and virtualized network control (NFV) and Cloud-based Service Delivery Platforms supporting IoT/M2M. A dedicated Track was devoted to Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet also as one important application domain for 5G.
For more information please see the 6th FOKUS FUSECO Forum event minutes!