Guest presentation by Nikolay Tcholtchev at the “open source lab”
News from Dec. 05, 2019
On November 26, 2019, the fifth meet up of the “open source lab” took place. The event’s topic was “Open Standards for Smart Cities and Mobility”. Dr. Nikolay Tcholtchev, senior scientist at Fraunhofer FOKUS, held a presentation on his experiences in the field of smart cities.
The “open source lab” aims to create a platform that contributes to a more sustainable future in the field of mobility and urban development through an interdisciplinary exchange of different stakeholders. At regular meetings, new research results are presented and discussed. Last Tuesday's meeting focused on open standards in the area of smart cities and mobility.
Dr. Nikolay Tcholtchev presented the results of the Triangulum Project, in which FOKUS has been researching innovative Smart City solutions for quite some time. Part of the project is the “Smart City Framework”, which supports cities in implementing concepts into existing infrastructures, as well as the oupPLUS Smart City reference architecture, an open platform that promotes the standardization of ICT solutions in Smart Cities. Additionally, the WindNODE project, in which FOKUS develops an “Open Data Portal” for energy and therefore contributes to a better integration of renewable energies into the existing power grid, was part of the presentation.